Legislative News

By State Rep. Leslie Heinemann
I never realized how many calls, cards, letters and the e-mails I would get after the election.
Thank you all from Lake, Sanborn, Moody and Miner counties for a chance to serve as one of your new State Representatives.
Believe it or not I’ve even heard from a whole bunch of lobbyists.  But I told them I work for the voters of District 8 not special interests groups.


I attended a school for new legislators. This focused on legislative procedure and utilizing computers to go paperless. We’ve come along way from Coleman County School where we were happy to have a tablet and pencil. We also learned how to use the Legislative Research Counsel in drafting bills and providing staff support.
The Governor presented his budget ($1.3 billion) as required by our State Constitution.  Now the State Legislature will work on the state budget.  Because our fiscal year begins on Oct. 1, it is a real challenge to project revenue and expenses that don’t begin until October.  It would be tough to run a farm or business this way but because of the way federal funds flow through our state budget this is necessary. We will work together to meet our challenges.
The next step is the swearing in of Legislators which will occur at noon on Jan. 8, 2013.  We start working immediately until March 8.  We then recess until “veto day” March 25.
The State Legislature is open to the public so I encourage you to attend committee meetings or legislative sessions.
Until Jan. 8, feel free to call me at 605‑997‑2654. I will have a State House phone number along with a legislative e-mail very soon.
I will look forward to comments, questions, suggestions and your input in the legislative process.
I am currently reviewing a number of suggestions for new legislation but am open to all ideas.
We live in both challenging and exciting times.  I really appreciate being able to serve.
Some have asked about my dental practice while I serve in the legislature.  It will be in the capable hands of my daughter, Dr. Kimberly Heinemann.
Thank you again for the opportunity to serve. I look forward to visiting with constituents both in Pierre and throughout the district as we all work for a common goal – a better South Dakota.

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