Letcher Legion Auxiliary meets

By Mary Luckett, secretary
The Letcher Legion Auxiliary met at 7 p.m. on Monday, March 11 in the community center. Members present were: Pat Nelson, Shirley Ruml, Edith Moe, Sandi Ruml and Mary Luckett.
A special guest, Nancy Pretre, from United Blood Services at Mitchell, came to make a presentation to the Letcher Ladies Auxiliary. For 38 years, Unit #93 has sponsored the blood drive in Letcher. The plaque she presented has four metal plates, engraved from 1975, one for each 10-year span. There are four more plates to cover future drives. Edith Moe and Shirley Ruml were recognized as having been coordinators for the blood drives in recent years. Mary Luckett has been coordinator for the past three years. The unit is honored to have received that recognition.
March is community service month.
President Sandi Ruml read a report from District 6 President Therea Maechen about the Mid-Winter Conference.
Election of Girls State delegates is due by April 1. There is a cost of $110 for each delegate. Americanism essays are due soon, also.
The District 6 Spring Meeting will be in DeSmet on Friday, April 5 at “Wheaties,” on Main Street at 6 p.m. The Auxiliary will meet in the community room in the high school at 7 p.m.
Mary Luckett was chosen to be the Legionette of the Year.
The Spring Salad Luncheon will be held April 13 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the community center at Letcher. There will be a silent auction.
Chaplain Pat Nelson read the closing prayer and President Sandi Ruml adjourned the meeting.
Pat Nelson was hostess.
The next meeting will be held April 8 at 8 p.m. Lois Clarambeau will be the hostess.

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