Letcher Town Board proceedings

February 8, 2014
Mayor Chada called the meeting to order with Hohbach, Ackman, Hoffman and Knutson in attendance.
Water/Sewer: Ackman was instructed to proceed with the legal acquisition of property for the sewer project, informed the board of the need for US Steel in the project per state requirements. The board reviewed the discharge permit. Dakota Pump Proposal was reviewed and deemed unnecessary.
Grounds: At this time it is unknown if the tractor was damaged when it was stolen.
Letcher Community Development Foundation: Ackman informed the board that K. Lambert has possession of the Horizons printer.
A motion was made by Hoffman, seconded by Knutson, carried, to approve the January minutes as presented.
A motion was made by Knutson, seconded by Hoffman, carried, to approve the financial reports as presented.
New Business: Wages for 2014 were discussed and a motion was made by Knutson, seconded by Hoffman, carried, to leave all wages at the current rates: Mayor $65.00/meeting, Trustees $60/meeting, Water/Sewer Superintendent $500/month, Mileage $.55/mile, Lost time $15.00/hour, Finance Officer $850/month – Rent $200/month- Extra time $12.00/hour – Annual Report $600.00, H. Steinmetz $9.00/hour, J. Fridley $10.00/hour, West Nile $75.00/person per trip, West Nile mileage $.55/mile.
Ackman presented the board with upcoming meeting dates: Fireman’s Annual Meeting February 19 and Township County meeting February 18.
A motion was made by Knutson, seconded by Hoffman, carried, to deny membership to South Dakota Association of Towns and Townships.
A motion was made by Knutson, seconded by Hoffman, carried, to approve the following claims for payment:
Fire: SDFFA $390.00 dues, Heiman, Inc. $291.27 equipment, Santel Communications $28.29, Letcher Volunteer Fire Department $1,300.00 volunteers;
GENERAL: Miedema Sanitation $64.00 garbage, Quill $91.29 supplies, Brook’s Oil $1,706.10 Community Center heat, Quill $91.29 supplies, Dakota Rural Water $2,013.80, South Dakota Department of Environmental and Natural Resources $150.00 fees, Brook’s Oil $1,620.10 heat, Santel Communications $57.62 phone.
The next meeting will be March 5, 2014 and the Equalization meeting March 17, 2014.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Mary Ackman
Finance Officer
Published once at the total approximate cost of $24.00.

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