I Kept a Secret/Anastasia Beaverhausen Says Goodbye to Single Life

View From the Basement by Dee Baby

Dee 14Esther (Schabot) Linke is my “bestie” and has been since she was 13 years old and I was 18 years old. I was a teen bride straight from a shotgun wedding and she was the first babysitter for my daughter, Misty. The marriage didn’t last long, but our friendship has endured the test of time.
So when Esther invited me down last weekend, I never thought it was unusual. Sunday morning, she turned from the stove and in a stern voice announced she and Dave wanted to stage an “intervention.” My mind was racing and my mouth was open like a fish to state, “I hardly drink at all anymore besides a glass of wine!” She then laughed at my discomfort and said, “What are you doing on Thursday ‘cuz Dave and I are getting married?”
I was then sworn to secrecy, which I must admit is a bit difficult for me to maintain. There’s always that temptation to relate to another friend the phrase, “I’m gonna tell you a secret, but you can’t tell anyone.” Esther even suggested a roll of duct tape for my mouth.
I was near to bursting ‘til Thursday with my secret knowledge. I wondered about the odd date during the week, but it was the second anniversary of their first date. (They have better memories than I have now.) I told a little white lie to my supervisor at work, Rayna Goergen, that I had an appointment in Mitchell. I didn’t know how I was going to escape the basement without attracting Gay’s attention. Thankfully, she was in Madison, but I already had my next lie in gear that I had a date. Whew!
Dave Buck’s best friend, Cory Hofer, also from Trail King, was the best man. I liked him immediately. He said he knew from the first date that Esther would be the one ‘cuz Dave would laugh to himself frequently. I wasn’t too surprised about their nuptials ‘cuz I told people I had Dave pegged as the “marrying kind.”
Dave and Esther opted for a simple ceremony performed by a mutual friend, Don Lura. The vows were taken before the fireplace. (Esther swore her palms were sweating from nervousness after 28 years of being single.) Dave was calm and assured and when he spoke his own vows that came straight from the heart, a big tear rolled down my cheek! I had to maintain a steady hand ‘cuz I was videoing.
Our reverend resorted to his irreverent self after the ceremony, complete with colorful stories, Ole and Lena jokes and his own wedding toast, which goes:
To keep your marriage brimming
With love to the rim of the cup,
Whenever you’re wrong admit it…
Whenever you’re right, shut up.
Wouldn’t you know, the attendants signed on the wrong line on the marriage license intended for the bride and groom. Cory threw me under the bus right away and said I told him the wrong line. I maintain he was distracted by the barbecued ribs in the crock pot and actually, why would he listen to a woman he’d met only for an hour? Also, we forgot to take pictures with the newlyweds. Mama Gay would have never let that happen. I assure you, the wedding was legal.
Cheers to you, Mr. and Mrs. Buck,
Dee Baby

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