Letcher News

Sally Olson 3/19/15

Isn’t this weather beautiful? Even if it gets cold and snowy we have to be thankful for this. Marlene was looking back in her Drive Inn books the other day and we got 18 inches of snow in the middle of April a few years back. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen.
We had a fun-filled weekend. We went to the birthday party for  Perry Amick, Jane Amick and Bruce out to Perry and Carol’s on Saturday night and then down to Dave and Sara O’Conner’s on Sunday after church to visit with Todd and Linda. Linda had just returned from Mexico and Dan and Andrea’s wedding.
On March 11, Irene Amick’s 95th birthday, Perry and Carol, Chuck and Jane, Kelly, Kelsey and Reese, Carla and Clay, Matt and Joel and Sean and Heather all got together for dinner at Fanny Horner’s and then in the afternoon they took cake and ice cream to her home for everyone. What a wonderful birthday for a wonderful lady.
Ron and Sandi Ruml went to Corsica on Tuesday to visit her sister, Sylvia Kunz. They later stopped in Delmont to visit her cousin, Loretta and Vern Kraft. They had supper together and a great visit.
Friday, Sandi Ruml had supper at Ruby Tuesdays in Mitchell with Colleen Helling, Donna Lang and Jessica Meinke, all former co-workers.
Dont forget the Letcher Legion and Auxiliary are hosting the annual Firemen Appreciation Supper on Sunday, March 22 at 6 p.m. All firemen and EMTs and their families are welcome to attend.        SJ30-1tb
Ron and Kathye Fouberg were guests at the Perry Amick and Jane Amick birthday celebration on Saturday night at the Perry Amick home.
The Amick families hosted a 60th birthday party for Perry and Jane Amick and their nephew, Bruce McClure, on Saturday night at the Perry and Carol Amick home. Irene Amick was honored on her 95th birthday on Sunday by about 80 family members. A beautiful day to celebrate the life of a wonderful lady!
On Monday, March 16, a group of us ladies treated Kathye Fouberg to lunch at Whiskey Creek to celebrate her birthday. Those enjoying the day were Sal Olson, Marlene Hoffman, Linda Francis, Brenda Bode, Carol Amick, Lila Stach and Helen Zoss. A good time was had by all. Happy birthday again, Kathye, on March 23.

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