Pictured are, back row: Stanley Hegg, Barry Woolery, Steve Hinker, Jerry Larson, Jim Ball, Dennis Taylor, Jim Larson, Terry Hendrick; middle row: Ernest Sweeny, Judy (Jarabek) Cass, Ruth (Hjelm) Ollinger, Pat (Rankin) Carsrud, Diana (Medley) Tang, Jim Hegg, Gary Regynski; front row: Claire (Jared) Martin, Marilyn (Dankey) Moor, Peggy (Jamison) Larson, Cheryl (Forbes) Schmiedt, Lynn Moran, Ron Berens, Judy (Budde) Brisbine.
The Woonsocket Class of 1965 held their 50th class reunion on July 3 at the Brisbine cabin at Twin Lakes. Twenty classmates attended, along with two former classmates. Eight classmates were unable to attend and seven are deceased.
Many of the Class of ’65 attended the Woonsocket High School Alumni Banquet that evening along with their spouses. They also had a class float in the Fourth of July Parade, thanks to the work of Jim Larson.