Legislative week seven report from Rep. Wollmann

By Rep. Wollmann

Week seven of the 91st Legislative session is in the books. It was a pleasure to have the Madison Little Legislators here last week. I want to thank all of the teachers and chaperones that made this trip a success. It is without a doubt that these kids are the future of South Dakota, and I cannot stress enough how important it is that they learn how government functions. I commend the fourth grade teachers for taking the time to teach this unit.
Crossover day was also last week, and we were able to get through our agenda by 7:30 p.m. For those that don’t know, crossover day means that all bills need to be transferred to the opposite chamber. If bills have been tabled or sent to the 41st day, those pieces of legislation are thus dead. Without going in depth, I would like to give a brief summary of a few pieces of legislation that I have been asked about.
HB 1161, the payday lending bill, was defeated in the House, 47 to 21. This bill would have set up a new class for payday lending, and was a preemptive piece of legislation to the initiative measure that will be on the ballot this fall.
HB 1124, a tanning ban for those under the age of 18, was also defeated on the House floor, 46 to 21. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) currently has an open docket with many proposed changes to the tanning industry, one being the youth ban. A decision will be made at the federal level later this year.
House Joint Resolution 1002, a resolution to apply for a Convention of the States under Article V of the Constitution of the United States, passed through the house with a 37 to 30 vote. This joint resolution would join with other states to possibly bring forth a Convention of States to pass a balanced budget amendment to the U.S Constitution.
It has been an interesting session with many unique bills. I enjoy the many different questions that I have received and would encourage that if you have any questions to email me at Rep.Wollmann@state.sd.us. Social media is a powerful tool but can sometimes provide false information. Thank you and have a wonderful week!

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