TL Rangers 4-H Club’s last meeting of the year

By Blake Howard, TL Rangers Secretary

     Tyler and Tyson Eddy explain how to make a fishing lure.

Tyler and Tyson Eddy explain how to make a fishing lure.

On Sunday, Sept. 25, the TL Rangers 4-H Club met at the Woonsocket School Commons for their last meeting of this 4-H year. The meeting was hosted by the Howard family, but all families brought something to contribute to a delicious potluck meal that was enjoyed before the official meeting started.
The meeting was called to order by Club President Tyler Eddy. Camden Jost led the Pledge of Allegiance, and Clay Olinger led the 4-H pledge.  There were a few members who needed to do a presentation to fulfill their annual obligation.  Tyler and Tyson Eddy demonstrated how to make a fishing lure. Kade and Clay Olinger and Camden Jost all spoke together about how they raise and release pheasants on their farm. Finally, Mariah Jost explained how she made a decorative cross as a recycled static exhibit for Achievement Days this year.
The meeting ended with everyone getting together all the information and forms they needed to finish their 4-H books, which are also an annual requirement for 4-H members. The leaders and parents discussed some ideas for projects to work on as a club this next year. The next event for the club is Recognition Night in November.

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