Unit 29 Legion Auxiliary adjourns for summer months

The regular meeting of Unit 29 American Legion Auxiliary met at 6:30 p.m. on June 7 in the Prairie View Apartment Solarium with President Dawn Rassel presiding. Chaplain Judy Stenzel led the opening prayer, and Carrie Howard led the National Anthem. The minutes of the May meeting and treasurer’s report were given and accepted.
A report on the Poppy Day distribution was given by Jo White. The Unit is grateful for all those who helped and contributed for the veterans.
Barb Maurice gave a report on the Memorial Day program and lunch. Thanks are extended to all those who helped and donated for the lunch.
A newsletter from the outgoing president of District 6 was read. The Department Convention will be held in Watertown at the Best Western Ramada Hotel June 16-19.
Officers for the 2016-17 year are: president, Dawn Rassel, first vice president, Lynn Brueske; second vice president, Jo White; secretary, Mary Kay Regynski; treasurer, Barb Maurice; chaplain, Judy Stenzel; sergeant-at-arms, Carrie Howard; and historian, May Kay Regynski.
A memorial service was held for Emma Knox, led by President Rassel and Chaplain Stenzel. Following the memorial service, the meeting was adjourned until September.
Bingo helper and furnishing bars for June is Vicki Miller. In July, it will be Judy Brisbine, and in August, it will be Lynn Brueske.
Cookies for the Prairie View Healthcare Community Bingo will be furnished by Valerie Mann and Myrna Knigge. In July, it will be Karen Kogel and Judy Hinker. In August, it will be Lynn Brueske and Carie Fry.
We wish you all a great summer.

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