View from the Tracks

Woony News by Dee Baby

If you live in South Dakota, I would expect you to consider Sioux Falls as life in the fast lane. Coming from Woonsocket, we would be in the slow lane with your turn signal left on for two miles. Sioux Falls may have the Washington Pavilion, but we have local talent for our community play that is always outstanding and entertaining.
The cast and crew outdid themselves with the comedy they performed this year. It was the tale of six elderly spinsters who had the hots for the macho cop next door. Gayle Feistner in an afro wig played the object of their affection with a straight face and his droll sense of humor to the hilt! The six spinsters stole the show, but the outstanding performance for me was Lisa Snedeker, who was playing a woman so out of her character. Lisa is very comely, tall and thin as a willow. I was laughing out loud just at her matronly dress complete with a “bubble butt”. The opening act with all the lustful ladies at the window fighting to look through the binoculars had tears coming out of our eyes. My favorite line was, “If the cop (Gayle) was a carpenter, he could fill all our holes.” He, he, he!
A note of appreciation is also due to the men and youth group of the Lutheran-Methodist Parish, who took the time and effort to construct a cedar cross for the Easter service and placed it outside to surprise the congregation. That really made you realize what a person enduring a crucifixion went through. A replica of the spike made me weak because the end was not sharp. The blunt end was intended for ultimate torture and pain.
This week has me wondering about the obsession with reality shows. I hate to think I would waste a minute of my time in life on a Kardashian viewing. The thought of falling in love in front of a camera (“Bachelor” and “Bachelorette”) is beyond comprehension for me. I guess I could apply for a show called “The Cougarette”. I would stipulate to the producers that all applicants could not be missing front teeth.
Gay and I would be interested in doing the “Amazing Race,” but I would have to tone it down a bit to the title “The Amazing Walk.” My new digs would qualify for “Design on a Dime” or “Flea Market Finds.” I’m hoping they ask me to be on the Tour of Homes this year. It would be a short tour indeed. I could put out boxed wine and Chex mix.
Progress has been made in the move experience. Moving the boxes of decorative items once again reminded me to go buy some packages of rummage sale stickers. Painting was completed on Sunday, even with all the visitors who stopped by to say hello. Sorry we didn’t have time to have a beer and chat. A word of warning—if you do stop, we will try to put you to work. Our last male visitor of the day was forced to install the fire alarm.
Dee Baby

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