A Tribute to Dorothy

By Wanda Swenson

For the last four years, my Mondays at the Sanborn Weekly Journal were punctuated by a short conversation with our Artesian correspondent, Dorothy Weinberger, when she called to see if the local news she had faxed was delivered to us. She was always punctual with her news and brief with her call, as she did not want to take us away from our work.
Sometimes, however, she asked questions about our neighbors or relatives, commented on things we had published in the paper the week before, or shared story ideas. Dorothy was particular that her news info be accurate and understandable, adding a correction the following week if something needed clarification.
I remember the week she called and shared that she had moved off the farm and into an apartment in Mitchell. She was somewhat sad, but felt it was time and was so grateful to her family, who had spent long hours with her going through her things and cleaning out her house. I remember how upset she was when, over a year ago, she told us she would not be able to be our correspondent any longer, as it was getting difficult for her to do it. She was concerned that her column would die, so she continued to send us a lesser amount of news, and then contacted several of the Artesian community residents on Sunday and Monday to remind them to e-mail their news to us.
I enjoyed those Monday conversations. I liked her matter of fact attitude about life and all that went with it. I wasn’t working the last Monday that she called, the day she became terminally ill, so I didn’t get to have that last conversation with her. I feel badly about that. And today, when her call didn’t come, I missed her. Dorothy was a very special lady…what more can one say!!
    Editor’s Note: I took Dorothy’s final call the Monday she fell ill. Dorothy sounded every bit herself, wanting to make sure her news was complete and understood. She had written a bit about former Sanborn Central Supt. Linda Whitney and the award she’d recently received from the SD High School Activities Association. I could tell she was hoping I’d give it some extra attention. That’s how Dorothy was as the correspondent in “her area” — even after moving to Mitchell — she was always right on top of the news she considered her responsibility. She carried that responsibility right into her final days, and for that, we at the newspaper office will always be grateful. She will be missed.

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