Hope Circle meets

Hope Circle met with ten women attending on June 14 at Prairie View Healthcare Community at 5:30 p.m. Present were Barb Coulthard, Julie Davis, Wanda Swenson, Vicki Linke, JoAnn Schladweiler, Jannet Larson, Ruth Jensen, Vickie Hines, Sue Larson, and Evelyn Mitzel, who served as hostess. Residents Myrna Hjelm and Babe Larson joined them for the meal of taco salad and rhubarb cobbler.

Evelyn Mitzel read a devotional from the 2018 Daily Guideposts before Vicki Linke, chairman, called the meeting to order. Sue Larson, recorder, read the May minutes and gave a treasurer’s report.

Ruth Jensen has requested a $250 Thrivent Action Team grant to be used for Spirit of Faith Lutheran-Methodist Vacation Bible camp to be held July 16-19. Hope Circle will provide the noon meal on Tuesday, July 17. Confirmation Camp will also be held that week since the Community Center will already be rented. The confirmation students will help assemble school kits for Lutheran World Relief (as well as local schools and Fort Thompson) on Tuesday.

Vicki Linke and Jacki Aymar have each requested a $250 Thrivent Action Team grant to purchase school supplies as soon as they go on sale. Hope Circle ordered 500 backpack bags last month for this project. Storla requested 80 school bags from the project for their school kit program. All agreed to do so.

JoAnn reported that Hope Circle has the Community Center rented for Saturday, Sept. 8, for a benefit to raise money for Spirit of Faith’s church building project. Ruby Pattison and Louise Maeschen of Mitchell will host a program (a trunk show of antique quilts) plus a salad luncheon will be served. A silent auction and raffle will be held.

Alice Baruth and Ellen Ann Zoss Mason joined the rest of the group for the Bible study entitled “Let Us Pray.”

This next meeting will be Sept. 13 as they do not meet in July or August. Vickie Hines is the September hostess.

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