The Town ‘N Kountry Kids Red Crew 4-H Club met on Aug. 17 at the ballpark in Woonsocket.
The meeting was called to order by Co-President Megan Linke. The Flag Pledge was led by Ezra Schultz, and the 4-H Pledge was led by Ty Burkel.
Roll call was led by Co-Vice President Xavier Baysinger with the topic, “What is Your Favorite Subject in School?” which was answered by 19 members.
The secretary’s report was read by Co-President Dilyn Brooks and approved as presented. The treasurer’s report was given by Co-Treasurer Bailey Feistner with a balance of $1,458.98. It was moved by Lane Burkel, seconded by Dilyn, to approve the report as presented. Motion carried.
Hope Baysinger told the group about her experiences with the 4-H Summer Adventure Series. Bailey talked about competing in the Sanborn County Horse Show. Tyson Eddy and Acaiya Schultz reported on Achievement Days, and each member shared their favorite Achievement Day project.
Over the summer, the club has been doing a community service project of weeding the flower bed south of Steichen Service on Main Street in Woonsocket. Families that have helped with this project are the Blake/Luke/Chaz Larson family, the Avery Miller family and the Sutton/Shiloh Senska family.
Club members have been asked to help with a tree clean-up project at the Barb Maurice residence for a donation to the club. They planned this project for Friday, Aug. 21, at 5:30 p.m.
After discussion, members decided on a community service project at the nursing home in Woonsocket. They will bring one or more 4-H projects to show the residents, display exhibits and/or animals through their window. Members may also want to make a sign/poster with information like their name and a little about their project, for example “my crossbred sheep, Muffin” or “my shadow box about my Grandpa,” etc. Make sure it is written in big letters so they can read it. Tyson will work with Leader Paula Linke to contact the nursing home to set up a time and the details for Sunday, Aug. 23.
The crew talked about what the group needs to do to prepare for record books and awards. The next meeting will be scheduled after the State Fair. Members were encouraged to mail a letter to the group’s elderly friends.
Following the meeting, Myles Larson presented an illustrated talk on how to make a beaded snowflake. Ezra gave an illustrated talk about obsidian rocks that he found from volcano lava by Lake Superior.
The evening concluded with a game of kickball.
…See photos in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!