Woonsocket girls selected as Girls State representatives

Aleya Fry, daughter of Carie and Levi Fry, and Ellie VonEye, daughter of Brooke and Tim VonEye, all of Woonsocket, were chosen as representives to Girls State this year.  Aleya was sponsored by the Woonsocket American Legion Auxiliary, while Ellie was sponsored by the Alpena American Legion Auxiliary. 

Unfortunately due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Girls State has been cancelled. All applications received will be considered to have been completed and participated in the 2020 ALA South Dakota Girls State. Girls State will be issuing each delegate a certificate, along with a letter of recommendation that they should be considered and given every bit of recognition that a delegate would receive each year. 

To honor the 2020 ALA South Dakota Girls State delegates, the Auxiliary plans to host a banquet for them in the fall where they can be brought together to acknowledge this very unique situation and receive recognition for being selected as delegates. 

Also, working through USD, Girls State is still going to be able to offer the college credit that they do each year to each girl that is registered. This course was mainly conducted online, so this will be a very smooth transition for them to complete.

…See photos of the representatives in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal.

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