The Woonsocket American Legion Post #29 and the Town ‘N Kountry Kids Red Group 4-H Club teamed up to present a Flag Burning ceremony with the entire Woonsocket School student body on Tuesday, May 18. The group was blessed with a beautiful spring day with a light breeze. The Flag Burning ceremony was led by Legion Post Commander Joel Rassel, assisted by Legion members Duane Peterson, Keith Senska, Agapito Aviles, Lindy Peterson, Jim Hegg and Paula Linke, and Army Recruiter SFC Libby Fleming from Huron. The 4-H Club Flag Detail presented unserviceable Flags for disposal and inspection, which were then retired and destroyed by burning. Many of the elementary students then brought forward a flag for burning, with a total of over 200 flags respectfully retired.
…See additional pictures in this weeks’ issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!