WWSSC Powerlifting competed at the State Powerlifting Meet in Brandon on March 5-6. Twenty-plus schools were represented at the meet. The female lifters and males 145-pounds and under competed on Friday night. The rest of the male divisions lifted on Saturday morning. This was the first meet where representatives participated from all three schools (Woonsocket, Wessington Springs, and Sanborn Central).
The lifters were separated by weight into eight female divisions and nine male divisions. WWSSC took seven lifters to State. Each participant gets three attempts at the three lifts: squat, bench, and deadlift. The highest recorded weight in each lift is taken as the official weight. After combining all three lifts, the total weight is used to identify place winners. Team points were not kept this year. WWSSC was highlighted with Sidney Salas winning third place in her division.
The Blackhawk Powerlifting Team is always looking for new recruits. The lifting season starts in November and lasts until early March and usually consists of three Saturday meets. Students in grades seventh through 12th are all eligible to participate.
…Read all the results and see more photos in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!