Feistner serves as page in State Senate

Over the past couple of weeks, Feb. 7-17 to be exact, Bailey Feistner, served as a legislative page for the South Dakota State Senate. Her sponsor was State Senator Josh Klumb from Mitchell.

During her stay in Pierre, Feistner stayed with a host family that was arranged for her through the paging program. She stated that the host family will be having pages stay with them throughout the entire legislative session. Feistner noted that the host family had a lovely, welcoming home.

Feistner served with 11 other Senate pages, and 12 pages for the House of Representatives. When asked what she disliked about the job, she stated, “Sometimes we got sent to do the jobs nobody else wanted, which meant we were dealing with people who thought they were talking to the senators not just a page – definitely learned some people skills.” 

However, in response to what she liked most, Feistner commented, “My favorite part was getting to know the senators and their own personal reasons for being there. I loved getting to understand the message behind each piece of legislature that was brought to the table.”

Feistner is a junior at Woonsocket High School and the daughter of Brian and Jennifer Feistner. She lives in Jerauld County which is part of the South Dakota Legislative District 20.

…See a picture in this week’s issue fo the Sanborn Weekly Journal!

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