Sanborn County Commissioners proceedings

SEPTEMBER 10, 2024

Sanborn County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 8:51 a.m., with Chairman Jeff Ebersdorfer presiding. Present were Steve Larson, Paul Larson, Gary Blindauer, and Duane Peterson. Auditor Kami Moody was also present. Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Peterson, to approve the minutes from the August 20th meeting, as presented. Motion carried. Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Peterson, to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried. 


No public was in attendance for comment.


Auditor and Treasurer in all accounts $2,698,738.44

Register of Deeds $1,950.00

Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to pay the following bills; motion carried:

  August Payroll before Deductions:

Commissioners $6,465.24

Auditor $9,364.88

Treasurer $9,719.16

States Attorney $11,200.86

Courthouse $4,621.98

Assessor $10,843.23

Register of Deeds $9,649.60

Sheriff $19,882.96

Public Welfare $1,847.88

Ambulance $1,302.90

Extension Office $3,545.35

Weed $3,833.09

Drainage $193.77

Planning and Zoning $129.18

Road and Bridge $42,816.33

E-911 $202.98

Emergency Management $750.39

Sobriety Testing $203.02

Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, Insurance $25,169.66

AFLAC, Insurance $2,004.38

South Dakota Retirement System, Retirement $10,555.10

Delta Dental, Insurance $1,109.00

Small Business, Insurance $51.00

Sanborn County Treasurer, Taxes in Trust $1,000.96

BEAM, Insurance $318.28

Cincinnati Insurance Co., Insurance $492.89

EMC National Life Company, Insurance $469.39

Colonial Life, Insurance $126.30

First National Bank, Tax Liability $19,377.26

First National Bank of Omaha, Direct Deposit Fee $27.56

Accounts Management, Employee Garnishment $43.50

A-OX Welding, Supplies $156.23

Amazon Business Capital Service, Supplies $419.03

Arrowwood Resort & Conference, Travel Expense $119.72

AT&T Mobility, Utilities $407.12

Beadle County Sheriff, Jail Fees $285.00

Bound Tree, Supplies $419.73

Brooks Oil Company, Supplies $4,065.75

Brosz Engineering Inc., Services $10,705.00

Todd O. Brueske Construction, Rentals $275.00

Butler Equipment Co., Supplies $1,169.88

Central Electric Co-op, Utilities $376.55

City of Woonsocket, Utilities $105.97

Marshall & Swift, LLC, Res. Cost Handbook and Est. $2,331.10

D&L Service, Repairs $15.00

Dakota Counseling – Stepping Stones, Quarterly Support $625.00

State of South Dakota, Blood Draw $80.00

South Dakota Department of Public Safety, Teletype Services July 2024-December 2024 $2,340.00

Express Stop, Fuel $24.22

Forestburg Farmers Elevator Co., Supplies $15,790.52

Fleet Pride Heavy Duty Parts, Supplies $734.28

First National Bank Omaha, Supplies $247.89

Elaine Hilton, Blood Draw $80.00

City of Huron, Teletype Services $770.00

J&P Roofing Systems Inc., Roof Repair $57,980.70

KO’S Pro Service, Oil Change $69.48

Douglas Miiller, Ravenna Township Project $483.60

Napa Central, Supplies $362.17

Robert R. Nelson, Indigent Medical $54,404.29

Northern Truck Equipment, Supplies $4,305.60

Northern Pipe Fittings Inc., Supplies $12,320.00

Office Peeps Inc., Supplies $237.53

Physicians Claims Company, Ambulance Services Fees July 2024 $798.55

Premier Equipment, Supplies $20.08

Redwood Toxicology, Blood Test $116.00

Runnings, Supplies $171.11

Sanborn County Ambulance, Meals $22.27

Santel Communications, Utilities $1,217.27

South Dakota LTAP, Dues $125.00

South Dakota Association of County Officials, MOD and Preservation $42.00

South Dakota Public Assurance Alliance, Liability and Property Insurance $65,629.53

Spencer Quarries, Ravenna Township Project $891.19

State Treasurer, Monthly Remittance $78,005.24

Sanborn Weekly Journal, Publishing $760.93

Tech Solutions, Utilities $3,039.98

Upland Hutterian Colony, Ravenna Township Project $8,228.80

Verizon, Utilities $2,372.66

Waste Management, Utilities $110.21

Woony Foods, Supplies $12.50

WW Tire Service, Supplies $1,590.00

Xcel Energy, Utilities $44.08


Stacy Mendenhall and Sheri Kogel, Highway Department, met with the board. Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Blindauer to authorize the signature for agreement with the State of South Dakota for the Bridge Improvement Grant for bridge #56-030-171. Motion carried. 


The five-year plan was presented at a public meeting. Public in attendance were Stacy Mendenhall and Sheri Kogel, Highway Department; County Commissioners; Kami Moody, County Auditor; Scott Alexander, Warren Township; Don Klinkner, Benedict Township; and Earl Hinricher, Jackson Township. County five-year plan was presented but approved by the board on the 20th day of August.


Motion by Peterson, seconded by Blindauer, to approve Resolution 2024-22, Adoption of Annual Budget for Sanborn County, South Dakota. Motion carried. 




WHEREAS, (7-21-5 thru 13), SDCL provides that the Board of County Commissioners shall each year prepare a Provisional Budget of all contemplated expenditures and revenues of the County and all its institutions and agencies for such fiscal year, and,

WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners did prepare a Provisional Budget and cause same to be published by law, and,

WHEREAS, due and legal notice has been given to the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners for the consideration of such Provisional Budget and all changes, eliminations and additions have been made thereto.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that such Provisional Budget as amended and all its purposes, schedules, appropriations, amounts, estimates and all matters therein set forth, shall be approved and adopted as THE ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES for Sanborn County, South Dakota, and all its institutions and agencies for calendar year beginning January 1, 2025 and ending December 31, 2025 and the same is hereby approved and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Sanborn County, South Dakota, this 10th day of September, 2024.  The Annual Budget so adopted is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the county auditor of Sanborn County, South Dakota.  The accompanying taxes are levied by Sanborn County for the year January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025. 



of Sanborn County, 

South Dakota

/s/ Jeff


Steve Larson,

Paul Larson,

Gary Blindauer,

Duane Peterson


/s/ Kami Moody,

County Auditor

County Tax Levy for General Fund is $2,103,960 for 2.701 per $1,000 valuation.

Road and Bridge Levy is $623,261 for .800 per $1,000 valuation.

As of September 10, 2024, these levies have not been approved by the Department of Revenue. 


Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Peterson, to accept the quote from Total Epoxy to finish the floor for the addition at the 4-H building. Motion carried. 

Motion by Blindauer, seconded by S. Larson, to enter executive session at 10:15 a.m. for personnel matters. Motion carried. Ebersdorfer declared the end of executive session at 10:26 a.m.

Motion by S. Larson, seconded by P. Larson, to approve the new rate of 67 cents per mile for mileage reimbursement, as the county’s current policy reads that they follow the state rate. This will be effective October 1, 2024. Motion carried. 

In accordance with SDCL 28-13-41, Sanborn County had nine people receiving poor relief for the month of August.

A claim was submitted for the courthouse roof, and the insurance check arrived. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Blindauer, to approve the automatic supplement to the Courthouse budget Repairs line #161-425 for $15,579.07, to help cover the cost of the repair. Motion carried. 

A notice of Air Quality Operating Permit from the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources was also presented to the board for review.

There being no further business before the board, motion by Peterson, seconded by S. Larson, to adjourn the meeting at 11:51 a.m. Motion carried. 

The next regular scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 1, 2024.

Kami Moody

Sanborn County Auditor Jeff Ebersdorfer

Chairman of the Board, 

Sanborn County

Published once on September 19, 2024, at the total approximate cost of $96.75 and may be viewed free of charge at

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