Sanborn County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, at 9:00 a.m., with Vice-Chairman Steve Larson presiding. Present were Paul Larson, Gary Blindauer, and Duane Peterson. Auditor Kami Moody was also present. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Blindauer, to approve the minutes from the November 19 meeting. Motion carried. Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Peterson to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried. Chairman Jeff Ebersdorfer entered the meeting at 9:10 a.m. to preside the meeting.
No public was present for comment.
Auditor and Treasurer in all accounts $2,692,699.13
Register of Deeds $2,796.50
Motion by Peterson, seconded by Blindauer, to pay the following bills; motion carried:
Payroll before Deductions:
Commissioners $6,459.09
Auditor $9,370.24
Treasurer $9,702.21
States Attorney $11,189.43
Courthouse $4,685.32
Assessor $11,652.81
Register of Deeds $9,770.59
Sheriff $19,878.94
Public Welfare $1,846.06
Ambulance $4,098.87
Extension Office $2,904.11
Weed $3,827.64
Drainage $258.36
Planning and Zoning $0.00
Road and Bridge $39,000.82
E-911 $202.92
Emergency Management $750.24
Sobriety Testing $202.95
First National Bank of Omaha, Direct Deposit Fee $27.56
Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield, Insurance $25,169.66
AFLAC, Insurance $2,004.38
Beam, Insurance $485.60
Delta Dental, Insurance $1,060.00
Small Business, Insurance $51.00
Sanborn County Treasurer, Taxes in Trust $3,319.97
Cincinnati Insurance Co., Insurance $492.89
Colonial Life, Insurance $126.30
First National Bank Omaha, Tax Liability $19,649.69
South Dakota Retirement System, Retirement $11,997.66
Accounts Management, Employee Garnishment $43.50
Woonsocket Development, Employee Bonus $1,150.00
First National Bank, Tax Liability $1,190.02
A&G Diesel Truck Repair, Supplies $3.36
A-OX Welding, Supplies $260.33
Agtegra Co-op, Supplies $922.50
Amazon Business Capital Service, Supplies $336.21
AT&T Mobility, Utilities $447.20
Axon Enterprise INC., Tasers $2,569.60
Brian Baldwin, EMT Courses December ‘24 $150.00
Beadle County Sheriff, Jail Fees $475.00
Brooks Oil Company, Fuel $2,936.55
Brosz Engineering Inc., Services $35,600.00
Butler Equipment Co., Supplies $7,012.36
Central Electric Co-op, Utilities $58.68
City of Woonsocket, Utilities $123.16
Express 2, Fuel $109.00
First National Bank Omaha, Supplies $147.55
Hinker Trenching, Bridge Repairs $81,957.82
Huron Regional Medical Center, Jail Medical $103.40
KO’s Pro Service, Repairs $1,150.66
Lead’s Online, Supplies $1,801.00
Mac’s Hardware Store, Supplies $58.97
Menards, Supplies $299.00
Microfil Imaging Systems Inc., Register of Deeds Scanning $19,419.00
Motorola Solutions, Ambulance Tower $6,283.90
Napa Central, Supplies $165.68
Newman Signs Inc., Signs $1,402.58
Office Peeps, Supplies $49.37
Physicians Claims Company, Ambulance Service Fee October ‘24 $801.81
Pheasantland Industries, Garmen, Supplies $1,692.43
Postmaster, Box Rent $732.00
Premier Equipment, Repairs $1,964.63
Ramkota Best Western, Travel $232.00
Runnings Supply, Supplies $568.58
Santel Communications, Utilities $1,210.36
Audra Scheel, Travel Expenses $111.89
South Dakota Department of Transportation, Services and Fees $2,829.59
South Dakota Association of Assessing Officers, Membership Dues $75.00
South Dakota Association of County Commissioners, Clerp – Additional $1,145.00
South Dakota Association County Highway, Dues $350.00
South Dakota Association of County Officials, Monthly Remittance $76.00
South Dakota Department of Agriculture, Dues $35.00
South Dakota Municipal League Workers Compensation, Worker Compensation Insurance $22,317.00
Spencer Quarries Inc., Supplies $232.32
State Treasurer, Monthly Remittance $60,178.28
Sanborn Weekly Journal, Publishing $201.13
Tech Solutions, Tech Support $3,239.98
Thomson Reuters – West, Law Books $214.40
TranSource Truck & Equipment, Repairs $410.88
Tyler Technologies Inc., Tech Support $4,942.71
Verizon, Utilities $30.96
Waste Management, Utilities $271.30
Williams Musical & Office Equipment, Toner and Repairs $1,085.00
Xcel Energy, Utilities $82.31
Jamie VanZee, Brosz Engineering, was present to open the bids received for the bridge replacement of 56-200-153, located on 414th Ave, Sanborn County Road 35-O:
BX Civil & Construction $873,000.00;
Timmons Construction Inc $737,378.61;
Katzer Concrete $935,560.00;
Graves Construction $877,774.43;
Nolz Dragline and Construction $894,301.36;
Sioux Falls Construction $869,701.80.
Brosz Engineering will review all the bids received and make a recommendation to the board at the December 27th meeting.
Stacy Mendenhall and Sheri Kogel, Highway Department, met with the board. A brief overview of Township Applications, for Rural Access Infrastructure Funding, was discussed, with more discussion in January. Tractor leases for the new year were discussed.
Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to sign the agreement for the H&H Study that is needed for 56-220-169. Motion carried.
Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to sign two easement agreements with landowners Mark and Gayle Larson for the construction of Bridge 56-209-000, located on 220th Street. Motion carried. Motion to S. Larson, seconded by Peterson, to approve the right-a-way certificate. Motion carried. Motion by Peterson, seconded by Blindauer, to approve the utilities permit for this project. Motion carried.
Motion by S. Larson, seconded by P. Larson, to approve the resolution to apply for the application.
Whereas, Sanborn County wishes to submit an application(s) for consideration of award for the Bridge Improvement Grant Program:
Structure Number and Location:
56-209-000, 0.4 miles east and 13.0 miles north of Artesian, S.D., on 220th Street over an unnamed creek
And Whereas, Sanborn County certifies that the project(s) are listed in the county’s Five-Year County Highway and Bridge Improvement Plan;
And Whereas, Sanborn County agrees to pay the 20 percent match on the Bridge Improvement Grant funds;
And Whereas, Sanborn County hereby authorizes the Bridge Improvement Grant application(s) and any required funding commitments.
That the South Dakota Department of Transportation be and hereby is requested to accept the attached Bridge Improvement Grant application(s).
Vote of Commissioners: Yes 5, No 0.
Dated at Woonsocket, S.D., this 10th day of December, 2024.
/s/ Jeff
/s/ Kami Moody,
County Auditor
Motion by Blindauer, seconded by P. Larson, to submit the three following applications for consideration of award(s) for the Bridge Improvement Grant Program. Motion carried.
Whereas, Sanborn County wishes to submit an application(s) for consideration of award for the Bridge Improvement Grant Program:
Structure Number and Location:
56-030-025, 7.5 miles north of Woonsocket, S.D., on 397th Ave over Sand Creek
And Whereas, Sanborn County certifies that the project(s) are listed in the county’s Five-Year County Highway and Bridge Improvement Plan;
And Whereas, Sanborn County agrees to pay the 20 percent match on the Bridge Improvement Grant funds;
And Whereas, Sanborn County hereby authorizes the Bridge Improvement Grant application(s) and any required funding commitments.
That the South Dakota Department of Transportation be and hereby is requested to accept the attached Bridge Improvement Grant application(s).
Vote of Commissioners: Yes 5, No 0.
Dated at Woonsocket, S.D., this 10th day of December, 2024.
/s/ Jeff
/s/ Kami Moody,
County Auditor
Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to approve Section V in the Personnel Handbook. Motion carried.
Audra Scheel was present to give her yearly report to the board of commissioners. Scheel presented numbers for the county’s 4-H, which showed growth in the 4-H program. Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to enter executive session at 10:34 a.m. Motion carried. Ebersdorfer declared end of executive session at 10:40 a.m.
By recommendation from the Planning & Zoning board, a motion by S. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to approve the following plat of R1-A, A SUBDIVISION OF LOT R1 IN THE NORTH ½ OF THE NW ¼ OF SECTION 27, T 107 N R 62 W OF THE 5TH PM., CITY OF WOONSOCKET, SANBORN COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA. Motion carried.
The undersigned does hereby certify that the above resolution was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Sanborn County, South Dakota, at a regular meeting held on December 10, 2024, approving the above-named plat.
/s/ Kami Moody
Sanborn County
Motion by Peterson, seconded by P. Larson, to sign the County Health Nurse Contract with the State of South Dakota for an effective date of January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025. Motion carried.
Minutes from the December 2nd Planning & Zoning meeting were reviewed, discussed, and approved.
Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to satisfy the lien for Laurel and Janet Voorhees. Motion carried.
Motion by S. Larson, seconded by P. Larson, to enter executive session at 11:48 a.m. Motion carried. Ebersdorfer declared end of executive session at 12:03 p.m.
There was discussion on Summit Carbon Solutions regarding the application that was filed with the Public Utilities Commission. There are direct comments in the application regarding Sanborn County and the setbacks that the county has in the ordinance. The board of commissioners will be filing an application for party status with the PUC to have updates readily available and testimony be able to be heard.
Commissioner Paul Larson will be absent from the next meeting, so fellow board members took the time to thank Larson for his service to Sanborn County. Larson worked for the highway department for 38 years, and upon retirement, he became a commissioner, serving as a commissioner for 12 years. Thank you, Paul, for your service to Sanborn County.
There being no further business before the board, motion by Peterson, seconded by Blindauer, to adjourn the meeting at 1:01 p.m. Motion carried.
The next regular scheduled meeting will be held on Friday, December 27, 2024.
Kami Moody
Sanborn County Auditor
Jeff Ebersdorfer
Chairman of the Board,
Sanborn County
Published once on December 19, 2024, at the total approximate cost of $125.75 and may be viewed free of charge at