It’s been almost two years since a football game has been played in Forestburg on the home field at Sanborn Central. Since the last game was played in the fall of 2022, the field has been out of commission due to poor soil and top cover conditions. However, major improvements have been made and “a light at the end of the tunnel” is visible.
In the spring of 2023, school officials had an irrigation system installed, and then in June of the same year, they had the field professionally interseeded. Unfortunately, the grass didn’t grow like they had anticipated, so they waited until the following spring to see if it would start to grow, which didn’t happen, either. Thus, they got more black dirt, leveled everything off, overseeded and got the irrigation going. Conditions have definitely improved, and some parts of the field are looking fantastic, but they are now primarily dealing with dry spots that just won’t produce. “I have personally gone out and seeded some of the dry spots to see if special attention to them would help, and they just haven’t come to life like we wanted them to,” said Corey Flatten, Superintendent of Sanborn Central Schools. “The toughest part is the soil is so sandy, and it just can’t get enough water, but we are working on getting that taken care of.”
…Read on in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!