Through the same grant that financed the zoo visit for the Sanborn Central students, the Woonsocket School was able to experience some fun with animals from the Great Plains Zoo, as well. The grant makes it possible for all Title 1 schools that qualify to have the opportunity to allow the zoo animals to visit their school.
Ms. Emily Workman, along with her trusty assistant, completed presentations based on the animals she brought with her and their different types of habitats. She also talked about conservation exploration and about how the Great Plains Zoo is an animal rescue shelter for animals that are saved from the wild. The zoo nurses them from whatever injury they have or to strengthen them so they are able to go back to the wild and take care of themselves.
The four animals Ms. Workman brought to the Woonsocket School were a Kenyan Sand Boa named Sam, a red-footed tortoise named Lucky, an Eastern Screech Owl named Aphrodite and a domestic ferret named Bandit.
All the lessons discussed by Ms. Workman correlate with the South Dakota science standards for each class.
…See a picture in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal.