Patience is a virtue: a lesson learned in the third grade classroom over the past few months. The students embarked on this writing journey at the start of 2022 and have worked very hard writing so that they could become published authors. Each student chose an animal to research over several days to become experts on the animal. Then came the drafting process which also took several days. After a draft was created, the students had to carefully rewrite their reports and illustrate the pages to be sent in to the publishing company. Finally, the most challenging part of the process, the wait! When the wait time came to an end, the parents were contacted and we were able to gather for a book party. The third graders met with a special someone who came to listen to them read their story and talk about the book publishing process. And of course, we ended the event with snacks donated by the families. The third graders have accomplished another great feat thanks to the help and support of so many!
…See pictures in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!