An open house was held this past Saturday to showcase and celebrate the completion of the Sanborn County 4-H Building Addition. Around 200 people enjoyed the event that included a meal, numerous activities to take advantage of the huge space the addition brings, and lots of good conversation and fun.
The first meeting to discuss the need for expanding the 4-H Building was in 2018 and included looking at the growing needs of more space for 4-H, school and community. As plans were beginning to evolve, we moved to 2020 and COVID, which brought these discussions to a pause.
In the fall of 2021, a group of volunteers determined the time was right and established a building committee to begin a committed path to making this dream a reality. Building committee members were Art and Audrey Kneen, Andy Ettswold, Scott Senska, Riley Zoss-Littau, Rod Weber and Paula Linke.
Potential building plans were created, a budget was developed, and discussions were held with the Sanborn County Commissioners, school boards, 4-H volunteers and families, community leaders, businesses, and perhaps anyone who would listen to our ideas. Once we had the support and financial commitment from the Commissioners, as well as hearing the support from many throughout the county, we began some fundraising and lots of communication.
…Read on and see another picture in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!