Letter to the Editor

Where’s the Incentive?

Dear Editor,
Incentive has always driven the decisions we make and therefore our lives. If people have incentive to do something, it becomes much more likely they’ll do it.
Now, say there’s a kid in school who goes above and beyond in his efforts for completing  a project, resulting in an excellent grade. Then, a classmate of his, doesn’t put in any effort, resulting in a terrible job, but is awarded the same excellent grade. Is there any incentive for the good student to put in the extra effort?  This same situation is played out more and more often across our country these days.
Starting Jan. 1, 2014 (about six months from now), The Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as “Obamacare” will be fully implemented. This 906 page bill, which went unread by Congress, then was ram-rodded through and signed in March of 2010 has finally come to fruition.
Among several things, it will expand the Medicaid system, making it easier for people to qualify. It will raise the premiums of self-insured to a point where most will eventually be forced to drop their coverage… but wait they can no longer do that.  Obamacare requires that all Americans carry health insurance.  This violation of our freedom is necessary to help pay for the most dramatic step toward Socialism our country has ever seen: The Affordable Care Act.
In January, a large portion of the middle class that is currently self-insured or uninsured will start paying for more of the sick, poor and unemployed.  This “re-distribution of wealth,” as defined in The Communist Manifesto, effectively creates another tax on the “wagon pullers” of our country to pay for those who happily ride in the wagon. Where have we seen this before?
There’s just not enough incentive to be a wagon puller anymore. Why would anyone want to work and pay hundreds or thousands of dollars per month for health insurance premiums, when they could have their insurance for free if they don’t work at all? There’s just no incentive.
Dr. Ryan Swenson
Rapid City

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