Letcher News

Sally Olson

It sure is true what they say about South Dakota. If you don’t like the weather now just wait 10 minutes and it will change. The rain has sure been nice but this wind is getting old. We had a nice weekend. On Saturday, we went to Wolsey for our great-grandson, Bailey Olson’s, graduation from the eighth grade. On the way, we stopped and visited with Maggie Irving, which is always so enjoyable. On Sunday, after church, we went out to breakfast with Todd and Linda to celebrate a belated Mother’s Day. The tornado warnings scared us off last Sunday. We also stopped and visited Eunice Olson last week.
I also got to have a nice visit with Donna Johnson and Lyle Pence.
Our Ladies Guest Day was a great success on Thursday afternoon. We had ladies from Artesian, Woonsocket, Wessington Springs, Forestburg, Mt. Vernon and Mitchell.
Sandi Ruml attended the  Ladies Day lunch at the Letcher church on Thursday.
Open House Baby Shower for Erin (Darin) Amick  Sunday, May 31, 2 p.m. at the Clay and Carla Amick home. Ultrasound says it is a girl. Everyone welcome.        SJ39-2tb
Friday, Ron and Sandi Ruml visited her sister, Sylvia, in the Corsica nursing home. They also drove through Delmont so Sandi could check out her hometown and see if her parent’s old house was still there. It was standing with slight damage, which is amazing as it is directly across the street from the Zion Lutheran Church. The town was so devastated it was an emotional tour for her.
Delbert and Kathy Northrup spent the weekend at the Matt Northrup home in Pierre. While there, they enjoyed the birthday party for both Weston, age eight, and Hayden, age five. The kids are growing up way too fast!

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