Union Farmhands 4-H Club

4h picture    The Union Farmhands 4-H club met at Ashley and Austin Schmit’s home on Oct. 11 at 7 p.m.  President Ashley Schmit opened the meeting with Aubrey Senska leading the flag pledge and Austin Schmit leading the 4-H pledge.
The roll call of “What is your favorite Halloween Candy?” was answered by: Dillon Moore, Ashley Schmit, Austin Schmit, Sawyer Senska, Aubrey Senska, Catherine Bechen, Katie Schmit, Sarah Morgan, Amber Schelske, Dana Schelske and Alex Schelske. Absent was Jarid Bechen.  The motion was made by Sarah Morgan and seconded by Katie Schmit to accept new members Amber, Dana, and Alex Schelske.
Sarah Morgan then gave the treasurer’s report.  Catherine Bechen gave the secretary’s report.
Old business was discussing 4-H Calendars, renewing ads and updating information. 4-H books were due on the first of October.
New business:  Dillon Moore motioned, and Katie Schmit seconded, for the group to pay for the snacks and water for the next blood drive in Forestburg. All agreed and the motion was passed. The next topic was the Ham Drawing. It was motioned by Katie Schmit, and seconded by Catherine Bechen, that the club will buy 12 dozen Christmas cookies. Katie Schmit will order and pick up the cookies.
The Christmas Caroling at Brady and Countryside Living was discussed, and it was decided to meet at Countryside Living on the west side at 2:15 p.m, and begin singing at 2:30p.m. After that, members will  all celebrate by ice skating at the Mitchell ice skating arena, as this was motioned by Sarah Morgan, and seconded by Dillon Moore.
Next members talked about selling the 4-H Calendars and the ads. It was agreed that each calendars would sell for $5 and $30 for each of the ads. Everyone was reminded about Recognition Night on Nov. 15, at 6 p.m.
Elections were held and Dillon Moore was elected President; Sarah Morgan became Vice President; Catherine Bechen remained Secretary/Reporter; and Katie Schmit was elected Treasurer.
A demonstration was given by Austin Schmit on “How to make a Record Flower.”
Motion was made by Austin Schmit and seconded by Sawyer Senska to adjourn the meeting.  President Dillon Moore adjourned the meeting. Afterwards, members enjoyed snacks that were provided by Catherine Bechen and Sarah Morgan.
The next meeting is scheduled for Dec. 19, at the Ham Drawing at the Artesian Community Center.
Catherine Bechen, Union Farmhands 4-H Club secretary-reporter.

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