Sanborn Central School Board proceedings

Unapproved Minutes of School Board Meeting

The School Board of Sanborn Central School District 55-5 met in regular session on Monday, October 9, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central Conference room with the following present: Adams, Dean, Enfield, Olson and Schmit. Others present were Superintendent Siemsen; Elementary/Middle School Principal Vermeulen and Business Manager Bechen.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Enfield, all aye, to approve the agenda as amended. Add Motion #34. Discussion of purchase of a new riding lawn mower; Motion #35. Adjournment.
Motion by Schmit, seconded by Dean, all aye, to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting September 11, 2017, as printed.
Visitors to Board meeting. Melissa Ettswold and Jerilyn Moody to follow up on Homecoming.
Motion by Enfield, seconded by Schmit, all aye, to approve the Financial Statement and bills. Discussed possibly moving the Peters Scholarship money in with the GOAL Scholarship as a separate line item for higher interest rates.
General Fund balance, September 1, 2017: $200,806.20. Receipts: taxes $2,166.38, penalties/interest $5.52, interest $3.51, other pupil $49.30, other local income $5.97, state fines $1,486.51, state aid $41,303.00, admission $1,044.00. Expenditures: $163,182.26. Balance, September 30, 2017: $83,688.13. CorTrust Savings balance, September 1, 2017: $149,996.49. Receipts: interest $56.83. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, September 30, 2017: $150,053.32.
Capital Outlay Fund balance, September 1, 2017: $786,144.25. Receipts: taxes $1,191.01, penalties/interest $1.54, interest $33.74. Expenditures: $36,203.23. Balance, September 30, 2017: $751,167.31.
Special Education Fund balance, September 1, 2017: $131,343.43. Receipts: taxes $67.24, penalties/interest $0.07, interest $5.26. Expenditures: $17,994.63. Balance, September 30, 2017: $113,421.37. Invested $100,000.00. CorTrust Savings balance, September 1, 2017 $1,825.92. Receipts: interest $0.57. Balance, September 30, 2017: $1,826.49.
Pension Fund balance, September 1, 2017: $33,383.45. Receipts: taxes $0.00, penalties/interest $0.00, interest $1.31. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, September 30, 2017: $33,384.76.
Food Service Fund balance, September 1, 2017: $5,248.98. Receipts: student meals $4,719.71, adult meals $317.00, ala carte $330.50, miscellaneous revenue $274.33. Expenditures: $16,062.37. Balance, September 30, 2017: $(5,171.85).
Enterprise Fund balance, September 1, 2017: $706.12. Receipts: $2,700.00. Expenditures: $3,756.34. Balance, September 30, 2017: $(350.22).
Scholarship Fund balance, September 1, 2017: $12,682.79. Receipts: interest $0.52. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, September 30, 2017: $12,683.31. Peters Scholarship balance: $12,683.31; Nelson Scholarship balance: $0.00.
Trust and Agency Funds balance, September 1, 2017: $53,681.71. Receipts: $4,516.97. Expenditures: $5,944.00. Balance, September 30, 2017: $52,254.68.
Salaries and benefits for the month of October 2017 were as follows:
General Fund: $132,744.73;
Special Education: $19,368.18;
Food Service: $8,393.50;
Enterprise: $3,623.31.
Claims approved:
GENERAL FUND – A&B Business, copier staples $91.90; A-Ox Welding, cylinder rent $31.68; Auto Glass Express, Suburban door window $225.00; Brooklyn Publishers, one act script $79.75; Brooks Oil, 822 gallon gas $2,424.62, 896 gallon diesel $2,087.68; Brown & Saenger, admission tickets $11.98; Burnison Plumbing, solenoid valves/screens $794.15, water heater service $333.67; Campbell Supply, janitor supply $203.98; Carquest, bus supply $173.81; Central Electric, September electricity $2,864.62; Churchill, Manolis, Freeman, Kludt, Shelton & Burns, professional service $135.00; Clayton’s Repair, two bus tires and mounting $740.56; Core Educational Cooperative, DIAL virtual tuition $160.00; Creative Printing, senior citizen key chain passes $406.80; Crossroads Hotel, late billing – one room – state girls basketball $343.96;
Department of Revenue, water testing $30.00; Dial Corporation, 2017-18 membership $600.00; Direct Digital Control, heating/cooling repair $220.86; Jenny Easton, professional development $165.00; Farmers Elevator, tempo w/credit $3.17, 1,060 gallon #2 diesel $2,413.62; Flinn Scientific, high school science supply $34.50; Golden West Technologies, update voicemail $62.50; Shane Gross, janitor supply $8.46, high school supply $41.98; Hauff Mid-America Sports, football supply $46.78; Heartland Paper, janitor supply $1,103.63; Hinker Trenching & Electric, pipe supply $12.92; Hoffman Digging & Well Repair, pump out tanks $625.00; Horizon Health Care, three bus drivers physicals $544.18; Hurd Alignment & Machine, bus #15 aligned $200.51;
[IMPREST FUND: Shawna Baysinger, volleyball line judge $35.00; L. Calmus, volleyball referee/mileage $109.78; B. Coleman, football referee/mileage $188.20; J. Friman, football referee $100.00; K. Gerlach, junior varsity football referee $35.00; Jostens, workshop fee $50.00; L. Kiehl, volleyball referee $85.00; K. Klaus, football referee $100.00; T. McCain, football junior varsity referee $35.00; D. Nelson, football referee $100.00; Northern State University, All State Chorus $48.00; SDCTE, middle school English registration $80.00; J. Siemsen, football junior varsity referee $35.00; A. Vanderberg, football referee $100.00; W. Walker, football junior varsity referee $35.00; Wessington Springs school, junior high volleyball fee $10.00];
J.W. Pepper, elementary vocal music $140.95, band folios $51.74; K&D Busing, shared busing 50 percent $1,320.06; Local Lumber, bleacher repair $111.80; McGraw-Hill School Education, one year subscription estudent $19.08; Menards, janitor supply $86.16; Mid-Dakota Technologies, September tech support $140.00; Moody’s Auto Body Design, bus bumper $1,782.57; Palace Cleaners and Laundry, half of marching band uniforms $199.88; Petty Cash, postage $57.89; Popplers Music, vocal music $88.95;
Premier Equipment, bus #15 $734.98; Puetz Corporation, labor/material open speech wall $1,434.83; Quill, elementary ink cartridges $53.98, colony ink cartridges $115.98; Ramada Inn, Joint Convention Rooms $1,039.60; Sanborn Weekly Journal, renew paper $40.19; Santel Communications, telephone/fax $260.23; SD Football Coaches Association, Flatten – membership $20.00; Cassidy Slykhuis, returned calculator $20.00; State Industrial Products, janitor supply $300.00; Connie Vermeulen, alter marching band uniform $8.52.
CAPITAL OUTLAY Fund — A&B Business, copier lease $836.00; Green Eggs and Ram, colony projector/boards $5,962.07; Mackin Educational Resources, library books $1,892.00.
SPECIAL EDUCATION Fund – Behavior Care Specialists, tuition services $5,265.00; Service Mileage $273.00; Laura Licht, reimburse fingerprinting $43.25; Speech mileage $141.12.
FOOD SERVICE Fund – Shane Baysinger, melons $193.75; Card Services, food $95.39; Child/Adult Nutrition Service, processed commodity $588.00; County Fair, food $25.84, supply $5.29; Darrington Water, SS tank $24.00; Dean Foods, milk $510.36; Earthgrains Baking, bread $113.84; Reinhart Foodservice, food $2,961.94, supply $60.28; School Nutrition Association, FS dues $131.00; Walmart, food $36.59.
Mr. Siemsen reported on the following:
• Discussed with Rod Weber the potential of having radar speed detectors placed in Woonsocket and Forestburg, he had met with the county and they are willing to purchase one for each district;
• We hosted the 281 Volleyball Tournament on September 28th and 30th, we placed third and had a great experience hosting. Thank you to all those who helped make it a success;
• October 6th was Extra Help Day and we also hosted the SIVN teacher sharing sessions. Ethan, Mt. Vernon, Plankinton, and Woonsocket teachers met here at Sanborn Central to discuss and collaborate;
• End of Quarter 1 is October 13th;
• No School on October 23rd;
• National FFA Convention is the week of October 23rd, in Indianapolis;
• Football and volleyball is winding down with post season play beginning in the middle of this month;
• Fifth/sixth grade basketball has begun as well;
• SDSU students came to set up the equipment for the wind turbine and also asked us to participate in their Senior Development Project, Creating an Energy Efficient School; and
• We are going to have the staff take a suicide awareness/prevention online course to be in compliance with the state requirements.
Homecoming was discussed with the visitors to the meeting. They provided some feedback from the community. First, a number of high school students were not allowed to ride the floats that the Woonsocket students built, even though they were given permission ahead of time. Mr. Siemsen had already been made aware of this from Mr. Weber in Woonsocket, who is looking into the reasons this happened. The discussion then moved to potential improvements for next year, such as have a dedicated place for all floats and busses for before and after the parade to eliminate confusion. The powder puff game was a success. The staff and students thank the Booster Club for their help with homecoming, including the provision of lunch and candy bags.
The District would like to send a special thank you to Curtis Adams, who coordinated the east crow’s nest acquisition, installation, and construction of the platform. He had help from some awesome volunteers, Eddie Hoffman, and Scott and Stacy Zoss, who used their time and equipment to move the structure from Letcher to our football field. The district would also like to thank the City of Letcher, and Mayor Mark Chada for donating the crow’s nest to the district. These efforts allowed us to host the homecoming football game, and they are greatly appreciated.
With the recent resignation of Coach Rob Baruth from the girls basketball program, some coaching assignments were adjusted to accommodate the changes needed. Emily Olson will coach the middle school group, Robin Moody will coach the junior varsity and another coach will be hired from the Woonsocket District.
The District had been made aware of some discrepancies in reporting on teacher compensation from the FY2016 and FY2017 years, which lead to the District to be flagged for failure to meet teacher compensation accountabilities required by law, SDCL 13-13-73.6. In working with the Department of Education on this, it was discovered that two errors regarding how two separate salaries of teachers were reported incorrectly during the FY2016 and FY2017 as the cause of the issue. The first issue was that a teacher had taken some time off without pay. The other issue was the extended contract of a teacher was submitted as part of the reporting in FY2016, and in FY2017 it was not, due to the regulations stating that those extended portions of a given contract are not a part of the required submission. These two mild errors/misunderstandings made it appear that the teacher compensation had decreased from FY2016 to FY2017, thus the
reason for the district being considered non-compliant.
The total teacher compensation for the district in FY2016 with corrections that were made to address the issue is $961,259. That moved the District’s new target for teacher compensation for the FY2017 to $1,048,639. In the FY2017, the District spent $1,049,805 on teacher compensation, putting the District in compliance. The corrections that were needed for the FY2016 are not able to be made any longer, so the District will submit a waiver to the Department of Education stating that the targets were calculated wrong based on incorrect data reported in FY2016, clearing up this issue.
Mrs. Vermeulen reported on:
• Children’s Theater is complete. Participant numbers were down: 29. This was expected due to conflicts with sports for the middle school students, but this was the only week available. The actresses enjoyed the week and stated our students were very respectful. The Booster Club sponsored the funding for the motel expenses;
• Homecoming is complete. The middle school float was chosen as the winning float from Sanborn Central;
• End of the First Quarter is October 13th;
• No school October 23rd;
• Curriculum Cycle: We will review science curriculum for grades PreK-5 this year. This review was delayed until the standards were adopted by the state;
• Sanborn Central hosted the SIVN sharing session among grade levels on Friday, October 6th.
Discussion items:
• The board discussed what to do with the items that were in the Time Capsule that was opened in September. It was decided that the original owners of the items will be sought out to claim the items, should they want them back. If they are not claimed, the items will be subject to some type of auction where the money earned will be added to the GOAL scholarship account.
• Board member Brenda Schmit brought some information regarding ALICE training and options for the classroom doors in the event of an emergency.
Old Business:
Motion by Schmit, seconded by Enfield, all aye, to approve the proposed professional engineering services contract with Mettler Sichmeller Engineering to oversee potential gym air conditioning project. Discussion was had.
Discussed the lighting project. No motions were needed as the status of the district waits on the status of the zero percent interest loan.
New Business:
Motion by Adams, seconded by Dean, all aye, to approve the contract for Laura Licht, Special Education paraprofessional/office assistant, at a rate of $11.50 per hour.
Motion by Adams, seconded by Enfield, all aye, to approve the contract for Vicki Zellmer, night custodian, at a rate of $12.00 per hour.
Motion by Enfield, seconded by Schmit, all aye, to approve the potential purchase of a new lawn mower not to exceed the amount of $12,000.00.
Regular Board meeting will be held on Monday, November 13, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central School Conference Room.
Motion by Schmit, seconded by Adams, all aye, to adjourn the meeting at 8:53 pm.
Gayle Bechen
Business Manager
Troy Olson
Board Chair

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