Woonsocket School Board proceedings


The Woonsocket Board of Education met in regular session on April 10th, 2017, at 7:00 p.m. in the library/media center of the Woonsocket School.  Members attending were: Jason White, Jodi Doering, Gary Steichen and Todd Olinger. Lisa Snedeker was absent. Others attending were Superintendent Rod Weber, Paula Lynch, Lynn Klaas, Carrie Gutierrez, and Chris Selland. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
On a motion by Gary Steichen, seconded by Todd Olinger, the Board approved the meeting agenda with one additional item to come before the Board.  Motion carried.
The minutes of the regular board meeting held on March 13th, 2017, were approved as presented on a motion by Jodi Doering, seconded by Todd Olinger. Motion carried.
On a motion by Gary Steichen, seconded by Todd Olinger, the Board approved the claims presented and the March 2017 financial report as follows, motion carried:
GENERAL FUND, Beginning balance: $1,039,589.32; Add receipts:  Taxes $30,790.17; Interest $458.11; Other local $175.89; State $81,941.00; Federal $0.00; Total to be accounted for:  $1,152,954.49; less disbursements $172,928.52; Cash balance: $980,025.97; Fund Balance: $980,025.97.
CAPITAL OUTLAY, Beginning balance: $727,171.31; Add receipts: Taxes $24,697.73; Other local $1,575.00; Federal $0.00; Total to be accounted for: $753,444.04; less disbursements $3,589.39; Cash balance: $749,854.65; Fund balance:  $749,854.65.
SPECIAL EDUCATION, Beginning balance: $366,911.26; Add receipts: Taxes $11,667.29; Other Local $0.00; State $0.00; Federal $0.00; Total to be accounted for: $378,578.55; less disbursements $19,881.68; Cash balance: $358,696.87; Fund balance: $358,696.87.
PENSION, Beginning balance:  $235,271.15; Add receipts:  Taxes $13.57; Other Local $0.00; Total to be accounted for: $235,284.72;  less disbursements, $0.00; Cash balance: $235,284.72; Fund balance: $235,284.72.
FOOD SERVICE, Beginning balance: $34,643.60; Add receipts: Pupil receipts $7,725.15; Adult receipts $253.60; Milk receipts $0.00; Interest $1.53; Other local $237.15; State $0.00; Federal reimbursement $6,478.63; Total to be accounted for: $49,339.66; less disbursements $11,091.06; Cash  balance: $38,248.60; Fund balance: $38,248.60.
ENTERPRISE FUND #53, Beginning balance: $22,128.66;  Add receipts: Other local $1,360.00; Total to be accounted for: $23,488.66; less disbursements $4,737.14; Cash balance:  $18,751.52; Fund balance:  $18,751.52.
TRUST AND AGENCY, Beginning balance: $20,727.13; Add receipts: Interest $.90; Pupil activities $2,986.41; Total to be accounted for: $23,714.44; less disbursements $2,521.78; Fund balance: $21,192.66.
Salaries and benefits for the month of March 2017 were as follows:
General Fund: $138,501.59;
Special Education: $16,027.76;
Enterprise #53: $4,737.14;
Food Service: $5,547.89.
Apex Learning, Distance Class $300.00
AT&T, Cell Phone $58.18
City of Woonsocket, Water Service $0.83
Classroom Direct, Craft Materials – AAA Banquet $26.92
Coca-Cola, Water Gallons – Elementary $34.08
D&L Service, Snow Removal – 2016-17 $1,576.00
Dakota Wesleyan University, ELL Language Learner Class – J. Bruce $210.00
Demco, Summer Reading Supplies $110.56
Express 2, Gas – Vehicles/Mini-Buses $209.04
Express Stop, Gas – Vehicles, Lawn Mower $76.45
Gross, Shane, Reimburse – Gas Minibus/Little I $57.19
Hillyard, Custodian Supplies $659.60
[Imprest Fund:
O’gorman High School, Power Lift Competition Fee (5) $100.00
US Post Office, Postage Expense $147.00
US Post Office, Postage Expense $147.00
US Post Office, Postage Expense $147.00
Total March Claims: $541.00]
Instrumentalist Company, Band Awards $79.00
J.W. Pepper & Son Inc., Instrumental Music $53.99
Josten’s, Graduation Medals $39.08
K&D Busing Inc., Bus Route – Co. Curr/Reg $13,861.42
KO’s Pro Service, Maintenance – Mini-Bus $87.41
Kroeger, Brett, Reimbursement – Gas – Winterguard $103.09
Lehr, Dave, Tech Support $125.00
Local Lumber, Shop Supplies $15.79
Menard’s, Custodian Supplies $56.71
NorthWestern Public Service, Electric Service $4,427.36
Pearson Education, Kind. Assessments $107.50
Petty Cash, Postage Expense $19.20
Readers Den, Library Books $146.39
Sanborn Weekly Journal, Publications $269.00
Santel Communications, Phone/Cable/Internet $319.99
School Specialty, Board Policy Binders $205.00
SDHSAA, Rule Books $38.00
United Energy/Farmers Alliance, Fuel Oil – Governor’s Building $325.13
Waste Management of WI-MN, Garbage Service $622.75
Williams Music & Office, School Owned Instrument Repairs $50.00
Woony Foods, Supplies, $279.37
Fund Total: $25,091.03
A&B Business Equipment, Copier Lease $1,168.45
Mendtronix, Smart Board Refurbish (Two) $1,160.64
Fund Total: $2,329.09
Avera St. Lukes, Client Services $707.72
Career Connections, Job Development Services $138.08
Parent/Guardian, Parent/Guardian Mileage $632.10
Lifequest, Client Services $408.66
SD Department of Human Services, Client Services $1,223.62
Fund Total: $3,110.18
Buhl’s Dry Cleaning, Laundry Service $4.75
Child And Adult Nutrition, Food $666.25
Earthgrains Company, Food $203.80
Variety Food, Food, Supplies, Dishwasher Rent $6,416.16
Woony Foods, Food $13.75
Fund Total: 7,304.71
Chris Selland gave the financial report and advised that effective June 30, 2017, the school would be leaving the Northern Plains insurance pool that will be changing to a self-funded model.  A vote of the staff currently on the plan was unanimous to leave the pool and then the current enrollees voted between a Sanford and Avera plan with the Avera plan being chosen.  We have worked with Dice Financial in developing the new plan and rates will be at or slightly below the current premiums.
Superintendent Weber updated the Board on the gymnasium/elementary heating project with G&R Controls scheduled to present a less costly proposal/options at the May Board meeting.
The May meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 9th, at 6:00 p.m. due to the AAA awards banquet scheduled for May 8th. The meeting will start with the presentation from G&R Controls at 6:00 p.m. with public input/questions welcome. Superintendent Weber will inform the public with a future news article.
Superintendent Weber also shared a possible option for the future with an addition of two larger classrooms onto the front of the elementary building. The purpose of the addition is to accommodate enrollment projections for larger upcoming classes.  In turn, the old smaller classrooms would house a new computer lab and SPED room. A rough estimate and design was developed by Mitchell Architect Larry Jirsa for $500.
Principal Paula Lynch presented the Board with a Pre-K enrollment projection and a schedule of spring events.
On a motion by Jodi Doering, with a second by Gary Steichen, the Board approved the final reading of the 700 and 800 series updates for the school board policy manual. Motion carried.
On a motion by Jodi Doering, seconded by Todd Olinger, the Board approved the resignation of Brett Kroeger as Woonsocket/SC shared Band Director.  The Board, Staff and Students would like to thank Mr. Kroeger for his dedicated service to both districts. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Gary Steichen, with a second by Jodi Doering, to approve Jacque Bratcher as the Woonsocket/Sanborn Central shared Band Director at a base salary of $37,000.00 effective with the 2017-2018 term.   Motion carried.
Motion was made by Jodi Doering, with a second by Todd Olinger, to approve Craig Lieber as Seventh and Eighth Boy’s Basketball Coach and Matt Henriksen as Assistant Boy’s Basketball Coach effective with the 2017-2018 school year.  Both positions will be shared with Sanborn Central. Motion carried.
Motion was made to approve school board resolution authorizing membership in the SDHSAA for the 2017-2018 school year. Motion was made by Gary Steichen with a second by Jodi Doering and motion carried.
Motion was made by Jodi Doering, with a second by Todd Olinger, to approve the 2017-2018 Special Education Comprehensive plan. Motion carried.
Motion was made by Jodi Doering, with a second by Gary Steichen, to approve a 10-year contract with Coca-Cola. In return, Coca-Cola will donate up to $15,000.00 for gym improvements to include a shot clock (required for Class B basketball for 2017-2018). Motion carried.
Motion was made by Todd Olinger, with a second by Jodi Doering, to approve a co-op between Woonsocket, Wessington Springs and Sanborn Central in the sport of soccer (fall sport, grades 7-12).   Motion carried.
Motion was made to approve the resignation of Pat Carsrud as joint City/School Librarian. The Board would like to thank Mrs. Carsrud for her years of service to the students and library patrons.  Motion was made by Todd Olinger with a second by Gary Steichen, and motion carried.
Motion was made by Gary Steichen, with a second by Jodi Doering, to move the regularly scheduled May meeting from May 8th to May 9th at 6:00 p.m. to avoid a conflict with the Awards banquet scheduled for May 8th. Motion carried.  The meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the Library with a presentation from G&R Controls on a heating proposal with a public question/input session.
Motion was made by Todd Olinger, with a second by Jodi Doering, to enter into executive session at 7:48 p.m. to discuss matters pertaining to personnel pursuant to SDCL #1-25-2(1).  Motion carried.  The Board reconvened into regular session at 8:13 p.m.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the April 10th,  2017, regular board meeting of the Woonsocket Board of Education was adjourned at 8:14 p.m., on a motion by Gary Steichen, with a second by Jodi Doering. Motion carried.
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