Sanborn Central Board proceedings

Unapproved Minutes of School Board Meeting

The School Board of Sanborn Central School District 55-5 met in regular session on Tuesday, February 13, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central Middle School Computer Lab with the following present: Adams, Dean, Enfield, Olson, and Schmit. Others present were Superintendent Siemsen, Elementary/Middle School Principal Vermeulen and Business Manager Bechen.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Schmit, seconded by Enfield, all aye, to approve the agenda as printed.

Motion by Dean, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting January 8, 2018 as printed.

Visitors to Board Meeting were Eddie Hoffman, Jeremy and Ashly Uecker, Tambi Wormstadt, Corey Flatten, Kevin Kingsbury, David Steele, Steve and Roxann Larson, Perry Moody, Rich Danek, Jim Fridley, and Carrie Howard.

Discussion was held on the following topic: The purpose of specifically inviting interested patrons on the matter of the proposed football field project was to provide a platform for conversation, as there was no intention on the part of the school board to make any decisions at this time. The discussion items that were brought to the attention of the board centered on the amount of dollars potentially being used for a project such as this and the perceived need for it.

Some other thoughts being expressed pertained to using the dollars to fund other items/projects that may impact the students and the district in a bigger way, such as storage for equipment, including the school’s vehicles and adding to other programs, fine arts in particular. A recurring theme regarding those who were in favor of this project was the impact it has on young children in the community who attend games at Sanborn Central and are exposed to the game, thus fueling their passion for participation as they grow. Also, there was some thoughts on behalf of current players that appreciate and relish the idea of playing in front of people that support them in the community.

The board provided those in attendance with some explanation on how the different funding accounts the district has are utilized to address the budget in specific areas. The Capital Outlay Fund, for example, is one that is used for capital projects, bus purchases, and technology. This portion of the conversation provided some much needed clarification. This spurred more conversation and questions about timeframes of beginning and completing projects, the potential for addressing multiple projects at once, and learning how the fund accounts are used and replenished. This portion of the meeting ended with the board and the superintendent being tasked with further research on various options to address the field project as well as options to address the storage issues and come up with more specific cost analysis to present at the March meeting.

Motion by Dean, seconded by Enfield, all aye, to approve the Financial Statement and bills.

General Fund balance, January 1, 2018: $304,047.64. Receipts: taxes $3,567.51, penalties/interest $121.95, interest $8.87, other pupil $98.43, other local income $6.27, state fines $741.86, state aid $46,128.00, admission $432.00. Expenditures: $145,786.40. Balance, January 31, 2018: $209,366.13. CorTrust Savings balance, January 1, 2018: $150,110.17. Receipts: interest $0.00. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, January 31, 2018: $150,110.17.

Capital Outlay Fund balance, January 1, 2018: $877,913.61. Receipts: taxes $1,990.67, penalties/interest $70.65, interest $38.52.  Expenditures: $1,041.41. Balance, January 31, 2018: $878,972.04.

Special Education Fund balance, January 1, 2018: $156,325.07. Receipts: taxes $104.21, penalties/interest $3.65, interest $5.74. Expenditures: $25,154.45. Balance, January 31, 2018: $131,284.22. CorTrust Savings balance, January 1, 2018: $1,827.06. Receipts: interest $0.00. Balance, January 31, 2018: $1,827.06.

Pension Fund balance, January 1, 2018: $396.56. Receipts: taxes $0.00, penalties/interest $0.00. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, January 31, 2018: $396.56.

Food Service Fund balance, January 1, 2018: $(5,649.81). Receipts: student meals $7,835.92, adult meals $749.50, ala carte $1,133.80, certification $123.36, federal reimbursement $3,833.20. Expenditures: $10,643.29. Balance, January 31, 2018: $(2,617.32).

Enterprise Fund balance, January 1, 2018: $(3,360.44). Receipts: $2,240.00. Expenditures: $3,730.96. Balance, January 31, 2018: $(4,851.40).

Scholarship Fund balance, January 1, 2018: $12,684.76. Receipts: interest $0.51. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance, January 31, 2018: $12,685.27. Peters Scholarship balance: $12,685.27; Nelson Scholarship balance: $0.00.

Trust and Agency Funds balance, January 1, 2018: $63,390.34. Receipts: $1,201.72. Expenditures: $2,437.69. Balance, January 31, 2018: $62,154.37.

Salaries and benefits for the month of February 2018 were as follows:

General Fund: $134,371.73;

Special Education: $19,999.85;

Food Service: $8,657.70;

Enterprise: $3,730.94.

Claims approved: GENERAL FUND – A-Ox Welding, cylinder rent $32.30, two cylinders five-year leases $297.95; Gayle Bechen, elementary supply $14.55; Brooks Oil Co., gas $1,010.80, #1 diesel $2,247.50; C&B Operations, bus supply $35.36; CarQuest, bus supply $603.29; Central Electric, December electricity $3,724.46, January electricity $4,308.58; Clayton’s Repair, bus repair $300.00; CorTrust VISA, air cards $120.03, elementary textbooks $37.88; Country Pumper, sports ice $6.29; Farmers Alliance, propane $6,067.62; Shane Gross, ag supply $14.07; Harlow’s Bus Sales, Inc., bus supply $92.54; Hauff Mid-America Sports, girls basketball uniform white/black $221.90; Heartland Paper Co., janitor supply $991.16;

[IMPREST FUND: Brightarrow Tech, dialer $250.00; Corey Flatten, junior high girls basketball referee $25.00; Jordan Gau, girls basketball referee $85.00; Jim Haskamp, girls basketball referee/mileage $119.86; Matt Henriksen, junior high basketball referee $50.00; Tucker Kingsbury, junior high basketball referee $100.00; Tim McCain, junior high basketball referee 75.00; Mt. Vernon School, junior varsity/C boys basketball jam fee $100.00; Region Music Contest, entry fee $40.00; Santel Communications, phone/internet $242.36; Dan Sudbeck, girls basketball referee $85.00; Wolsey-Wessington School, region one act fee $124.89];

J.W. Pepper, vocal music $55.24; K&D Busing, janitor co-curricular travel $861.55; Tim McCain, reimburse fuel $18.00; McLeod’s, laser checks $189.90; Menards, shop supply $101.16; Mid-Dakota Technologies, January tech support $140.00; Midwest Fire & Safety, semi-annual kitchen check $89.50, supply $554.00; Mitchell Clinic, bus driver physical $120.00; Mt. Vernon School, grant shared services $10,562.40; Renaissance Learning, Accelerated Math supply $20.90; Running’s Supply, shop supply $35.76; Sam’s Club, membership $45.00; Sanborn Weekly Journal, board proceedings $93.09; Sanford Pentagon, football coaches clinic $50.00; Santel Communications, phone $227.99; Schoenfish & Co, 2016-17 school audit $6,800.00; SD Interscholastic Athletic Admission Association, membership $40.00, conference registration $150.00; Subscription Services of America, periodical renewals $186.02; TC Enterprises, light bulbs $36.12, rewire circulating pump $356.76; Tessiers Inc., replace motor on heater $158.90; TIE, online tuition $395.00.

CAPITAL OUTLAY Fund — A&B Business, copier rent $866.41.

SPECIAL EDUCATION Fund – Gayle Bechen, ink cartridges $53.94; Behavior Care Specialists, January tuition services $6,242.00; January 2018 Service Mileage $315.00; January 2018 Speech mileage $52.92; Kylie Pauly, January 2018 service $40.00.

FOOD SERVICE Fund – Card Services, food $88.08; County Fair, food $42.82; Darrington Water, SS tank $24.00; Dean Foods, milk $691.99; Earthgrains Baking, bread $146.48; Reinhart Foodservice, food $4,203.61, supply $124.48; Walmart, food $44.75.


Mr. Siemsen reported on the following:

•The staff at Sanborn Central would like to recognize our board members, Troy Olson, Brenda Schmit, Clayton Dean, Justin Enfield, and Curtis Adams, for their service and dedication to our district during the official School Board Recognition Week, February 19th – 23rd;

•A huge thank you to the Booster Club for providing lunch for the “I hate winter day” on February 2nd. The students and staff are very appreciative of this meal,

•Congratulations to the Power Lifting team on their great performance on January 27th;

•The Mixed Ensemble got an excellent rating at their competition on February 7th;

•Congratulations to Alex Wormstadt and Austin Schmit on their SD Bankers Business Plan competition (first place);

•Boys and girls basketball is winding down, with post season play beginning on February 19th for the girls and February 26th for the boys;

•Extra help day is no school on February 16th followed by no school on February 19th;

•A proposed 2018-2019 school schedule is in your packet to review. If it is acceptable, we can approve it in March;

•Working towards getting the lighting project started as Bechen Electric accepted the terms of the contract;

•We have had issues with the water/well system.  Strechs Well Service and Burnisons Plumbing have been contacted to address the problems;

•We are currently conducting interviews for our two high school teaching openings;

•Work started on the AC installation on February 5th. There have been several companies including Tessiers, Muth Electric, and Direct Digital Control on site working on the project as well as troubleshooting some other general issues (DDC) with the system; and

•We have been in contact with a couple food service vendors to determine if this is a viable direction to go with the program, or look to hire a new food service director.

Mrs. Vermeulen reported on:

•Extra help day – all middle school and high school students who are failing or have missing work in a subject are required to attend 8:00-11:00 a.m. Some elementary teachers have scheduled meetings with parents discussing academic or behavioral concerns;

•No school on February 19th;

•Middle school dance is on February 16th;

•The middle school round robin basketball tournament on February 17 will be at Sanborn Central;

•ACCESS testing identified as LEP is in process at the colony; and

•The food service review including the Wellness Policy went very well, with no major areas of concern.

Old Business: Joann Nelson, Shirley Northrup, and Judy Wormstadt, agreed to be the school board election officials with Myron Sonne as alternate.

New Business: Motion by Schmit, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve the resignation of Shane Gross, with regret and much appreciation for years of service to the district as Ag teacher and FFA advisor, effective at the end of the 2017-2018 school year, and wish him luck in his future endeavors.

Motion by Adams, seconded by Dean, all aye, to approve executive session SDCL 1-25-2(1) to discuss the evaluation of the business manager and other personnel items at 9:33 p.m. Regular session resumed at 10:29 p.m.

Regular Board meeting will be held on Monday, March 12, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanborn Central School Conference Room.

Motion by Schmit, seconded by Enfield, all aye, to adjourn the meeting at 10:31 p.m.

Gayle Bechen

Business Manager

Troy Olson

Board Chair


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