Woonsocket School Board proceedings


The Woonsocket Board of Education met in regular session on January 8th, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in the Distance Learning room of the Woonsocket School.  Members attending were:  Jason White, Lisa Snedeker, Todd Olinger, Jodi Doering and Neal Hiemstra.  Others attending were Superintendent Rod Weber, Paula Lynch  and Chris Selland.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

On a motion by Todd Olinger, seconded by Jodi Doering, the Board approved the meeting agenda with three additional items to come before the Board. Motion carried.

The minutes of the regular board meeting held on December 11th, 2017, were approved as presented on a motion by Lisa Snedeker seconded by Neal Hiemstra. Motion carried.

On a motion by Jodi Doering, seconded by Todd Olinger, the Board approved the claims presented and the December 2017 financial report as follows, motion carried:

GENERAL FUND, Beginning balance: $993,230.10; Add receipts: Taxes $56,906.29; Interest $489.06; Other local $1,850.87;  State $107,337.00; Federal $0.00; Total to be accounted for:  $1,159,813.32; less disbursements: $151,629.68; Cash balance: $1,008,183.64; Fund Balance: $1,008,183.64.

CAPITAL OUTLAY, Beginning balance: $936,351.96; Add receipts: Taxes $38,640.03; Other local $250.00; Federal  $0.00. Total to be accounted for: $975,241.99;  less disbursements: $28,272.01; Cash balance: $946,969.98; Fund balance:  $946,969.98.

SPECIAL EDUCATION, Beginning balance: $396,876.11; Add receipts: Taxes $18,249.16; Other local $0.00; State $0.00; Federal $0.00; Total to be accounted for: $415,125.27; less disbursements: $36,527.29; Cash balance: $378,597.98; Fund balance: $378,597.98.

PENSION: Beginning balance,  $200,490.95; Add receipts: Taxes $0.00; Other local $0.00; Total to be accounted for: $200,490.95;  less disbursements: $0.00; Cash balance: $200,490.95; Fund balance: $200,490.95.

FOOD SERVICE, Beginning balance: $41,058.89; Add receipts:  Pupil receipts $5,320.00; Adult receipts $174.00: Milk receipts $0.00; Interest $1.85; Other local $77.40; State $0.00; Federal reimbursement $7,094.79; Total to be accounted for: $53,726.93;  less disbursements: $11,019.36; Cash  balance: $42,707.57; Fund balance: $42,707.57.

ENTERPRISE FUND #53, Beginning balance: $76,725.30;  Add receipts: Other local  $810.00; Total to be accounted for: $77,535.30;  less disbursements: $5,146.25;  Cash balance:  $72,389.05; Fund balance:  $72,389.05.

TRUST AND AGENCY, Beginning balance: $25,131.63; Add receipts: Interest $1.15; Pupil activities $5,541.82; Total to be accounted for: $30,674.60; less disbursements: $4,761.30; Balance $25,913.30.

Salaries and benefits for the month of December 2017 were as follows:

General Fund: $124,793.83

Special Education: $19,855.34

Enterprise #53: $5,146.25

Food Service: $5,164.79


A-Ox Welding, Cylinder Lease $105.95

Accident Fund, Work Comp Audit Premium $3,765.00

Arrowwood, Lodging – Superintendent $91.95

AT&T, Cell Phone – Superintendent $63.82

Bakers Design, Flowers/Corsets – Concert $65.00

City of Woonsocket, Water Service $37.44

Coca-Cola, Gallon Water Bottles – Elementary $14.11

DB Electric, Electric Work/Kitchen – Garage $1,363.53

Decker Equipment, Custodian Supplies $351.58

Express Stop, Gas – Vehicles/Mini-Buses $417.47

Hillyard, Custodian Supplies $166.94

[Imprest Fund:

Clark, Matt, Referee – Boys Basketball $90.00

Leber, Steve, Referee – Doubleheader $105.00

Odens, Jordon, Referee/Mileage – Doubleheader $151.20

Opp, Jordan, Referee – Boys Basketball $90.00

Osborn, Joel, Referee/Mileage – Boys Basketball $144.60

Schroeder, Joe, Referee – Doubleheader $105.00

Total December Claims: $685.80]

Jaymar Business Forms, W-2/1099 Forms $94.02

K&D Busing Inc., Regular Route/Co-Curricular $18,585.41

KO’s Pro Service, Mini-Bus Maintenance $44.15

Lehr, Dave, Tech Fee $140.00

Menards, Shop Supplies $86.01

NorthWestern Energy, Electric Service $4,719.02

Petty Cash, Postage Expense $19.94

Sanborn Weekly Journal, Publications $194.99

Santel Communications, Phone/Cable/Internet $284.06

SD Department of Health Services, State Contracted Nurse $333.00

United Energy/Farmers Alliance, Propane – Governor Building $294.97

Waste Management Of WI-MN, Garbage Service $693.46

Wessington Springs SchoolCo-Op, Fees – Football/Soccer $6,772.35

Woony Foods, Supplies $90.95

Fund Total: $39,480.92


A&B Business Equipment, Copier Lease $1,168.45

Burnison Plumbing & Heating, Water Cooler Replacement/Water Heating Service $3,345.34

Koch-Hazard Architects, Architecht Services $14,839.54

Local Lumber, Garage Project $1,127.57

Fund Total: $20,480.90


Avera St. Lukes, Client Services $952.00

Palace Transit, Transportation – Special Education Client $80.00

SD Department of Human Services, Client Services – Non-Federal Match $11.19

Fund Total: $1,043.19


Buhls Dry Cleaning, Laundry Service $16.00

Child and Adult Nutritional Service, Food $373.59

Earthgrains Company, Food $100.68

Lennick, Cassandra, Refund – Family Moved $11.70

Variety Food, Food, Supplies, Dishwasher Rent $3,250.20

Walmart, Food $21.84

Woony Foods, Supplies $21.06

Fund Total: $3,795.07

Chris Selland gave the financial report.

Superintendent Weber updated the Board on the addition project pre-bid meeting held on January 4, 2018, with a good number of interested parties in attendance. Bid opening and tabulation is set for January 17th, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. in the distance learning room. We welcome a new seventh grade student this semester. Discussion was held on the soccer program for next year, Junior High and High School class schedules and a special education staff  meeting. The Board also discussed the elementary addition project.

Principal Paula Lynch advised that she would be retiring effective the end of this year and also reported on Pre-K and Kindergarten numbers.

Motion was made by Neal Hiemstra, with a second by Jodi Doering, to approve the resignation of Paula Lynch effective the end of the 2017-2018 school year. Motion carried. The Board thanked Ms. Lynch for her years of service to the District.

Motion was made by Jodi Doering with a second by Neal Hiemstra to set the annual school board election date for April 10th, 2018. Motion carried. The terms of Jason White and Todd Olinger will be up effective July 1, 2018.

It was moved by Lisa Snedeker, with a second by Jodi Doering, to move the regular February board meeting from February 12th,  2018, to February 13th,  2018, at 6:00 p.m. due to a conflict with the basketball schedule. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Lisa Snedeker, with a second by Todd Olinger, to approve the following bills that came in after the cutoff date for payment. This was due to an early board meeting and the January 1st Monday holiday:

Local Lumber = $1,127.57

Woony Foods = $112.01

Santel = $284.06

Motion carried.

Motion was made to authorize request for sealed bids for the elementary addition project with sealed bids to be accepted at the Woonsocket School District on or before 6:00 p.m. CDT on Wednesday, January 17, 2018. Bids will be opened and tabulated at that time by Koch Hazard Architects. The special board meeting to be held on January 17th, 2018, at 6:00 p.m. was also approved via this motion. Motion carried.

Motion was made by Lisa Snedeker, with a second by Todd Olinger, to approve an executive session for student matters pursuant to SDCL #1-25-2.2 and also for personnel matters for the yearly evaluation of the Superintendent pursuant to SDCL #1-25-2.1. Motion carried. The executive session was entered into at 8:00 p.m., and the Board reconvened into regular session at 8:40 p.m.

Motion was made by Todd Olinger, with a second by Neal Hiemstra, to approve a 12-month expulsion for student ID #1430006 due to the following Woonsocket School Policies: Misbehavior on School Bus, Assault, Harassment, Verbal Abuse, Willful Disobedience, Defiance of Authority, Disruptive Behavior, and Disorderly Conduct. Motion carried.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the January 8, 2018, regular board meeting of the Woonsocket Board of Education was adjourned at 8:41 p.m. on a motion by Jodi Doering, with a second by Lisa Snedeker.  Motion carried.




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