Sanborn County Commissioners proceedings

SEPTEMBER 24, 2019

Sanborn County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, September 24, 2019, at 9:00 a.m. with Chairman Jeff Ebersdorfer presiding. Other members present were: Ray Ohlrogge, Gary Blindauer, Steve Larson, and Paul Larson. Also present was Auditor Diane Larson. Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Ohlrogge, to approve the minutes as presented. All ayes. Motion carried. 


Mike Miller, Everett Evers, Laren Feistner, Adolph Zoss, Darren Swenson, and Dan Swenson met with the board concerning drainage.


Stacy Mendenhall, Highway Superintendent, and Sheri Kogel, Administrative Assistant, met with the board. Kogel presented six agreements with the State of South Dakota Department of Transportation for monetary help with damages to the roads (FEMA) for Sites 08-1, 12-1, 15-1, 15-2, 27-1, and 27-2.  Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to enter into these agreements. All ayes. Motion carried. The agreements are on file in the Highway Office.

Propane quotes for 9,000 gallons of propane were received from: Brooks Oil, $0.85; CHS, $0.95; Alpena Co-op, $0.978; Agtegra $1.059. Motion by P. Larson, seconded by S. Larson, to accept the low quote of Brooks Oil. All ayes. Motion carried.


Ron Gillen, Brosz Engineering, had an emergency in another county so he met with the board through conference call. Motion by Ohlrogge, seconded by S. Larson, to approve a box culvert on County Road #36 on 416th Ave. All ayes.  Motion carried. 


Puetz Corporation presented their costs to install an elevator.

Ohlrogge left the meeting at 11:15 a.m.


Changes in the budget will be the tax amount will be $1,793,768, an addition of $3,220 to the Extension Budget, Courthouse should be $117,070, and Cash Applied will be $692,551. Motion by P. Larson, seconded by S. Larson, to adopt the following resolution.


WHEREAS, (7-21-5 THRU 13), SDCL provides that the Board of County Commissioners shall each year prepare a Provisional Budget of all contemplated expenditures and revenues of the County and all its institutions and agencies for such fiscal year, and

WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners did prepare a Provisional Budget and cause same to be published by law, and

WHEREAS, due and legal notice has been given to the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners for the consideration of such Provisional Budget and all changes, eliminations, and additions have been made there to

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that such provisional budget as amended and all its purposes, schedules, appropriations, amounts, estimates, and all matters therein set forth, SHALL BE APPROVED AND ADOPTED AS THE ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES FOR Sanborn County, South Dakota and all its institutions and agencies for calendar year beginning January 1, 2020, and ending December 31, 2020, and the same is hereby approved and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Sanborn County, South Dakota, the 24th day of September, 2019.  The Annual Budget so adopted is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the county auditor Sanborn County, South Dakota. The accompanying taxes are levied by Sanborn County for the year January 1, 2020, through December 31, 2020.

County Tax Levy for General Fund is 2.834, for Road & Bridge Opt Out is $0.553. This levy has not been approved by the Department of Revenue.

Aye 4, Nay 0


Auditor $3,581,362.16

Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to pay the following bills. All ayes. Motion carried.

Accounts Management, Wage Garnish $290.46

First National Bank, Tax Liability $2,263.76

Towns, Townships, Schools, James River Water, T&C, Monthly Distribution $46,779.07

Grand Jury, Wages $457.12

South Dakota Association of County Officials, Mod and Preservation $88.00

State Treasurer, Monthly Remittance $52,484.13

A-Ox Welding Supply Co. Inc., Oxygen Cylinders $77.99

SYNCB/Amazon, Supplies $175.79

AT&T Mobility, Cell Phone $71.29

Avera Occupational Medicine, Drug Test $96.55

Beadle County Sheriff, Prisoner Care $800.00

Beadle County Treasurer, Share of VSO $1,875.00

Beck Ace Hardware, Supplies $273.26

Bound Tree Medical LLC, Supplies $217.50

Brooks Oil Company, Fuel $3,111.00

Lynn Brueske, Travel Expense $20.00

Butler Machinery Co., Equipment Payment $69,019.78

Central Electric Cooperative, Electricity $337.58

Certified Languages, Interpreter Fees $23.10

Jason Coenen, Travel Expense $137.19

Dakota Counseling/Stepping Stones, Quarterly Support $625.00

Davison County Sheriff, Prisoner Care $570.00

South Dakota Department of Public Safety, Teletype Service $2,340.00

Express 2, Fuel $92.78

Express Stop, Fuel $35.30

Farnams Genuine Parts, Supplies $241.99

Wayne Feistner, Rock $5,364.00

Galls, Supplies $47.49

Greenline Products, Supplies $598.50

Hasche Construction, Crushed Gravel $44,647.88

Melissa Heinen, Blood Alcohol Draw $80.00

Innovative Office Solutions, Toner $170.30

John Deere Financial, Supplies $17.24

Mary G. Keller, Court Appointed Attorney $1,814.40

Karen Krueger, Travel Expense $20.00

Lake County Sheriff’s Office, Prisoner Care $900.00

Diane Larson, Travel Expense $20.00

Lewis Drug, Prisoner Care $4.99

Local Lumber Co., Supplies $240.87

The Lodge at Deadwood, Travel Expense $243.00

Mac’s Hardware, Supplies $21.58

Morgan Theeler LLP, Court Appointed Attorney $351.50

Mumford & Protsch LLP, Court Appointed Attorney $961.00

NorthWestern Energy, Electricity $1,170.30

Office Peeps, Supplies $997.74

Physicians Claim Company, Ambulance Billing $343.01

Pennington County Jail, Prisoner Transport $85.50

Postmaster, Stamps $110.00

Sanborn County Ambulance, Supplies/Meals $40.28

Santel Communications, Phone/Internet $2,979.21

Sanford Health Pathology, Course $25.00

South Dakota Sheriff’s Association, Supplies $113.75

Sanborn Weekly Journal, Publication Fees $54.00

Travis Coulthard, Repair Light $50.02

United Laboratories, Supplies $303.21

Waste Management, Garbage $313.13

David K. Wheeler, Court Appointed Attorney $585.00

Woony Foods, Supplies $225.17

X-Cel Energy, Electricity $29.21

There being no further business, motion by S. Larson, seconded by P. Larson, to adjourn the meeting.  All ayes. Motion carried. The next regularly scheduled meeting is Tuesday, October 1, 2019.   

Diane Larson

Sanborn County Auditor

Jeff Ebersdorfer

Chairman of the Board, 

Sanborn County

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