Sanborn County Commissioners proceedings

MARCH 3, 2020

Sanborn County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, at 9:00 a.m. with Vice-Chairman Steve Larson presiding. Present were Gary Blindauer and Ray Ohlrogge. Absent were Jeff Ebersdorfer and Paul Larson. Auditor Diane Larson was also present. Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Ohlrogge, to approve the minutes as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.     


Sheri Kogel, Administrative Assistant, met with the board. The New Holland 2,000 Loader was destroyed in a fire. Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Ohlrogge, to accept the insurance payment of $25,455.00 with the buy back.  All ayes. Motion carried. Kogel reported they would be purchasing a New Holland Mower and trading in the old one. Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Ohlrogge, to pay Davis $1.80 royalty for gravel. All ayes. Motion carried. Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Ohlrogge, to approve the highway department to work four ten-hour days, starting March 9th. All ayes. 

9:30 a.m. Bid Letting – Hot/Cold Mix

Asphalt Paving & Materials, Cold Mix – $62.50 to $75.50

Commercial Asphalt, Cold Mix – $60.00, Hot Mix $85.00 Summer/$140.00 Winter

Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Ohlrogge, to accept both bids depending on the location of work being done. All ayes. Motion carried.

9:35 a.m. Gravel

Darwin Ochsner, ¾ Inch $7.25,     1 inch $7.25

Michael Johnson Construction    ¾ inch $6.45, 1 inch $6.45

Motion by Ohlrogge, seconded by Blindauer, to accept all bids depending on location of work being done. All ayes. Motion carried.

9:40 a.m. Gravel Crushing:

Brownlee, ¾ inch $3.30, 1 inch $3.19

Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Ohlrogge, to accept the bid. All ayes. Motion carried.

9:45 a.m. Overlay Patch

Commercial Asphalt  $85.00

Motion by Ohlrogge, seconded by Blindauer, to accept the bid. All ayes. Motion carried.

9:50 a.m. Chip Sealing, Project #1, Project #2, Project #3

Road Guy, $19,655.40, $19,655.38

Without Seal, $16,614.40, $16,614.37, $8,307.00

Topkote, $19,784.43, $19,784.43

Without Seal, $16,851.23, $16,851.23, $8,425.61

Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Ohlrogge, to accept the low bid of The Road Guy. All ayes. Motion carried.

10:00 a.m. 4-H Road Culvert

Midwest Construction, $99,950.00, Start August 1st, 21 Days to complete

Feistner Gravel & Excavation, $38,500.00, Start July 13th, 10 Days to complete

Todd Brueske Construction, $98,470.00, Start April 1st, 28 Days to complete

Motion by Ohlrogge, seconded by Blindauer, to accept the low bid of Feistner Gravel & Excavation. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by Ohlrogge, seconded by Blindauer, to pass the following resolution:


WHEREAS, Title 23, Section 151, United States Code and Title 23, Part 650, Subpart C, Code of Federal Regulations, requires initial inspection of all bridges and reinspection at intervals not to exceed two years with the exception of reinforced concrete box culverts that meet specific criteria.  These culverts are reinspected at intervals not to exceed four years.

THEREFORE, Sanborn County is desirous of participating in the Bridge Inspection Program using Bridge Replacement funds.

The County requests South Dakota Department of Transportation to hire Brosz Engineering for the inspection work. SDDOT will secure federal approvals, make payments to the Consulting Engineer for inspection services rendered, and bill the County for 20 percent of the cost. The County will be responsible for the required 20 percent matching funds.

Vote of County Commissioners: Ayes 3, Nays 0.

Dated this 3rd day of March, 2020, at Woonsocket, South Dakota.


Diane Larson

County Auditor

Board of County

Commissioners                                                                                                      Steven Larson, 


Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Ohlrogge, to pass the following resolution:


WHEREAS, seasonal climatic changes can be detrimental to our highways, and

WHEREAS, the Sanborn County Board of County Commissioners, desires to protect existing Sanborn County Highways, ultimately saving the tax dollars and,

WHEREAS, the Sanborn County Board of County Commissioners, desire the enforcement of weight limitations and speed limits on Sanborn County roads and bridges as set forth posted by the Sanborn County Highway Superintendent.


That the South Dakota Highway Patrol be and hereby is authorized and requested to enforce weight limitations and speed limits on Sanborn County roads 07-0, 10-0, 08-0, 22-0, 24-0, and 35-0 and bridges and County Road 22

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the penalty for violation of the load restrictions shall be as set forth in SDCL 32-22-55.

Vote of County Commissioners: Ayes 3, Nays 0.

Dated this 3rd day of March, 2020 at Woonsocket, South Dakota.


Diane Larson

Sanborn County Auditor                                                                                    

Steven Larson


Sanborn County Board 

of Commissioners

Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Ohlrogge, to pass the following resolution:


WHEREAS, seasonal climatic changes can be detrimental to our highways, and

WHEREAS, the Sanborn County Board of County Commissioners, desires to protect existing Sanborn County Highways, ultimately saving the tax dollars and,

WHEREAS, the Sanborn County Board of County Commissioners, desire the enforcement of weight limitations and speed limits on Sanborn County roads and bridges as set forth and posted by the Sanborn County Highway Superintendent.


That the South Dakota Highway Patrol be and hereby is authorized and requested to enforce weight limitations and speed limits on Sanborn County roads and bridges.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the penalty for the violations of the load restrictions shall be as set forth in SDCL 32-22-55.

Vote of County Commissioners: Ayes 3, Nays 0.

Date this 3rd day of March, 2020 at Woonsocket, South Dakota.


Penny Farris, Director of Equalization, presented a plat for Charles, Wendy, and Warren Peer.  The Plat is for A Plat of Peer Tract 1, a Subdivision of Lot 2, in the SW/4 of the NE/4, and of the NW/4 of the SE/4,  All in Section 4, T 106N, R 59W of the 5th P.M., Sanborn County, South Dakota.   By recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board, motion by Blindauer, seconded by Ohlrogge, to approve the plat. All ayes. Motion carried.


Puetz Construction met with the board to discuss some preliminary plans for building an addition to the courthouse rather than adding an elevator.


Auditor and Treasurer in all accounts $3,800,512.80

Register of Deeds $726.50

Motion by Ohlrogge, seconded by Blindauer, to pay the following bills. All ayes. Motion carried:

First National Bank, Tax Liability $13,439.23

South Dakota Crime Victims Compensation Fund, Restitution for Chua Funeral $20.72

First National Bank, Tax Liability $2,386.15

Avera Health Plan, Health Insurance $21,317.09

AFLAC, Insurance $1,121.76

AFLAC, Insurance $205.58

South Dakota Retirement, Retirement $7,896.24

South Dakota Retirement, Retirement $46.13

Small Business, Insurance $51.00

Sanborn County Treasurer, Real Estate Taxes $525.11

Sun Life Financial, Insurance $104.33

VSP, Insurance $216.19

Hauge Financial, Wage Garnishment $305.16

EMC National Life Company, Insurance $380.95

Colonial Life, Insurance $470.94

Colonial Life, Insurance $18.86

First National Bank, Tax Liability $2,326.80

EMC National Life Company, No Payroll Insurance $47.25

Sanborn County Treasurer, Taxes in Trust $1,050.86

Ramkota/Best Western Inn, Travel Expense $551.94

SYNCB/Amazon, Supplies $112.73

AmeriPride Services Inc., Laundry $187.24

Jolene Anderson, Supplies $9.00

AT&T Mobility, Air Card $140.70

Beadle County Sheriff, Prisoner Care $400.00

Brooks Oil Company, Fuel $4,064.10

Butler Machinery Co., Supplies $4,641.60

Churchill, Manolis, Freeman, Court Appointed Attorney $95.00

Perianne Clendening, Supplies $26.56

Colonial Research Chemical, Supplies $243.12

Patrick A. Cranny, CDL Testing $90.00

Fastenal Company, Supplies $218.44

Wayne Feistner, Gravel $7,224.00

First National Bank Omaha, Supplies $472.29

Horizon Health Care, Physical $213.00

KO’s, Oil Change/Tire Rotation $91.65

Larson & Nipe, Office Expenses $1,250.00

Alan Larson Jr., Travel Expense $120.00

Mac’s Hardware, Supplies $84.86

Stacy Mendenhall, Travel Expense $120.00

National Sheriff’s Association, Dues $65.00

Office Peeps, Supplies $465.78

Quadient Inc., Supplies $191.13

Sherryl Rankin, Mileage $14.70

Runnings Supply Inc., Supplies $47.93

Sanborn County Ambulance, Meals $25.98

South Dakota Department of Transportation, 20 Percent Share, $55.64

South Dakota Association of County Weed and Pest Supervisors, Dues $75.00

Verizon, Cell Phone $15.55

Ron J. Volesky, Court Appointed Attorney $1,146.50

Woonsocket City, Water/Sewer $87.80

X-Cel Energy, Electricity $387.45

February payroll before deductions:

Commissioners $3,125.00

Auditor $5,554.77

Treasurer $5,674.77

States Attorney $3,879.84

Courthouse $3,645.14

Assessor $5,950.10

Register of Deeds $5,351.05

Sheriff $12,623.84

Public Welfare $927.93

County Nurse $874.23

Ambulance $2,140.00

WIC $60.50

Extension Office $1,185.80

Weed $3,377.04

Drainage $180.00

Road and Bridge $28,403.36

E-911 $60.50

Emergency Management $553.06

Motion by Ohlrogge, seconded by Blindauer, to adjourn the meeting. All ayes. Motion carried. The next regularly scheduled meeting is scheduled for March 17, 2020.

Diane Larson

Sanborn County Auditor

Jeff Ebersdorfer

Chairman of the Board,

Sanborn County

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