Miss SD USA Pettey and SD USA Teen Schmit honored with send off celebration

On Friday, Nov. 5, supporters gathered at the Artesian Community Center for a Send Off Celebration for local girl Miss South Dakota Teen USA, Katie Schmit, and Miss South Dakota USA, Caroline Pettey.  These two ladies will be busy preparing in the next few weeks for their national competitions in Tulsa, Okla. There was a great turn out of people who enjoyed food, refreshments, and music by Energy Event Group. All attendees came to encourage and to wish the ladies luck. During the week of competition, the ladies will be attending events, rehearsing, and prepping for the national stage. Preliminary competition for both will be Friday, Nov. 26. Katie will be competing for Miss Teen USA with finals on Saturday, Nov. 27, while the finals for Caroline for Miss USA will be Monday, Nov. 29. Both ladies have been touched and are so appreciative of the support they have felt from everyone throughout their reigns. Broadcast details for both finals will be released later.

…See a picture in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!

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