WWSSC Blackhawks lose tight battle in last seconds

On Thursday, Oct. 20, the Blackhawks hosted the Redfield Pheasants for the first round of playoffs. The game was scoreless until the final quarter, when the Pheasants scored their only touchdown, and the Blackhawks followed suit but missed the two-point conversion and lost the game 6-7. 

On offense, the six points scored for the Blackhawks came from a one-yard run by Holden Havlik. In the final seconds of the game, Havlik attempted the two-point conversion with a pass to Blake Larson, but it was caught out of bounds and didn’t count. Havlik did complete 13 passes for a total of 110 yards throughout the game. 

The WWSSC Blackhawks ended their season with a record of 6-3. As Coach Kenny Huether’s first season with the Blackhawks came to a close, he had this to say about the team and the season, “I’m proud of this year’s football team for their work ethic, their attitude on a daily basis and for the success that they accomplished. This was a very good football team, and credit goes to the assistant coaches and the players for their efforts. I enjoyed every step of our season’s journey.”

…Read more details and see a picture in this week’s issue of the Sanborn Weekly Journal!

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