The regular meeting of the Town of Artesian Council was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Travis King at the Artesian Community Center with Council Members Candi Danek and Mike Salathe present. Also present was Finance Officer MaKenna Hertel. Present for public participation were Kaleigh Zoss, Daryl and Kelsey Kaiser
Public Participation – D. and K. Kaiser inquired about purchasing property next to them.
Motion by Danek, seconded by Salathe, to approve the agenda.Motion carried. Motion by Danek, seconded by Salathe to approve the minutes of the October 10, 2023, financial reports and vouchers as presented; motion carried.
Xcel Energy, Utilities $1,082.45
Hertel, Makenna, Payroll $646.45
Zens, Daryl, Payroll $132.98
Fridley, Tom, Payroll $79.74
Salathe, Michael, Payroll $137.14
IRS, Payroll $663.55
Artesian Fire Department, Rent $125.00
Dawson Construction Inc., Streets $1,588.00
Dawson Construction Inc., Streets $1,269.44
The Sharp Law Firm, Fees $625.02
Sanborn Weekly Journal, Publishing $279.39
Sanborn Weekly Journal, Publishing $44.09
South Dakota Department of Revenue, License $150.00
CAN Surety, Services $556.50
South Dakota Municipal League, Services $188.33
Local Lumber, Materials $55.80
Old Business:
Streets – Discussion was held on getting gravel for next spring. Discussion was held on the lagoon. The Board discussed the pool/campground, making sure lines have been drained. Discussion was held on nuisance properties.
New Business:
Motion by Danek, seconded by Salathe, to join the South Dakota Municipal Membership; motion carried. Discussion was held on the camping ordinance fee.
There being no further business brought before the council, motion by Danek, seconded by Salathe, to adjourn; motion carried.
MaKenna Hertel
Town of Artesian
Finance Officer
Travis King
Council Member
Published once on November 23, 2023, at the total approximate cost of $24.25 and may be viewed free of charge at