First Lutheran Women meet

First Lutheran Church Women met Thursday, Nov. 8 in the church at 7:30 p.m. with eight members and Pastor LeShea Avery present.
The group sang the “Gather We Gather” theme song for the Bible study. Jerolyn Dean opened the meeting with devotions. The Bible study, “Learning the Tough Stuff,” based on the fourth chapter of Mark was led by Jerolyn Dean.  The Lord’s Prayer was prayed and table blessing sung before the business meeting. Lunch was served by hostess Jerolyn Dean.
The secretary’s report was read by Judy Wormstadt and approved. A postcard from Josie (Chance) Jenkins was shared with the group. She is one of the military personnel that were written to in July.
Thankofferings will be gathered during the 9:30 a.m. worship service on Nov. 18 Anyone can give a thankoffering. On Nov. 25 at 10 a.m. prior to church the church members are encouraged to come and help decorate the church for Advent and Christmas.
Dec. 16 is the date set for the Sunday school Christmas program. Lunch will be served following the program. Ladies will be contacted for the food they are to bring.
The group decided to do fruit baskets again this year. Fruit has been ordered from the Sanborn Central FFA.  Gifts will be purchased for two boys and two girls from the K-Mart Angel Tree.
Adopt a Family for a holiday dinner was discussed and a family was chosen. Church members are asked to bring either filled stamp cards from County Fair or partially filled turkey cards from Coborns to provide the family with a turkey. The rest of the meal will be provided by the circle.
The group decided to give $250 to the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Pastor LeShea is going to check if there is any matching funds from Thrivent. The possibility of making a fleece blanket for a young boy from a family who has had a tragedy was considered. The group discussed making a quilt for Lutheran World Relief.
Members are encouraged to check to see if they have any fabric that could be used for the quilt. It was decided that the group will make fleece blankets for all high school graduates starting with the graduates in 2013. Also the blankets will be tied during coffee time after church, so that all congregation members can participate.
It was decided to continue having a bazaar table at the Harvest Festival each year. Joyce Olson reported that the annual meeting will be Jan. 27 with a potluck dinner to follow. The meeting was adjourned.

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