Town ‘N Kountry Kids Red Crew 4-H Club

Corrie, Nick and Shaun Snedeker present an illustrated talk on the photography project area.

The Town ‘N Kountry Kids Red Crew 4-H Club met on Nov. 9 in the Woonsocket Community Center.
Prior to the meeting, members made cookies to give to the teachers and staff for American Education Week. Kaylee White gave a demonstration on making sugar cookies.
The meeting was called to order by President Jonathan Linke. The flag pledge was led by Trista White and the 4-H pledge was led by Dilyn Brooks. Vice President Corrie Snedeker led roll call as members answered the question, “What is your favorite cookie?” The secretary’s report was read by Megan Linke and approved as presented.
A report was given by Aaron Linke on setting barrels at the SD Heartland Futurity and Derby Barrel racing event in Huron. Nathan Linke read a thank you note received from Gen Nielson for the Halloween card the club sent her.
Under old business, the club discussed plans for the Recognition Event on Nov. 18 and talked about plans for celebrating American Education Week.
The club discussed individual goals and each member wrote down one goal for the year.

Kaylee White demonstrates how to make sugar cookies.

For new business the club talked about the Christmas caring projects. The club has a grant available from Modern Woodmen to use. The club will decide at the next meeting.
Following the meeting, an illustrated talk about photography was presented by Corrie, Shaun and Nick Snedeker. Thanksgiving cards were signed to send to the club’s elderly friends.
Snacks were served by Dilyn Brooks.




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