Town ‘n Kountry Kids Red Crew 4-H Club

    The Town ’n Kountry Kids Red Crew 4-H Club met on Sept. 16 in the Community Center at Woonsocket. Prior to the meeting, club members enjoyed a hot dog meal provided by Jared Goldammer.
The meeting was called to order by President Jonathan Linke. The Flag Pledge was led by Bailey Schmiedt and the 4-H pledge was led by Spens Schlicht. Nathan Linke led roll call and 14 members answered the question, “What is your favorite fall activity?” The secretary’s report was read by Rex Schlicht and approved as presented.
Spens gave a report on the Special Foods contest and what he learned, followed by all participants telling the club what they made.
Aaron Linke talked about public speaking, what he learned and how it went at the State Fair.
Kaylee White and Megan Linke reported on the fashion revue/clothing contest.
Dilyn Brooks told about Achievement Days and the success she had. Members showing livestock told about the State Fair and how their week went.
Lastly, Megan told about the pie contest at Achievement Days.  Winners were: first place – Peggy Baysinger; second place – Janet Maeschen;  third place – Donna Linke.
Health and Safety Officer Riley Schmiedt gave a talk about safety in the game of football.
Under new business, Jonathan talked about the upcoming barrel setting that the club has been asked to do on Sept. 28-29 and again on Oct. 26-28 ar Huron. The club began to set plans to celebrate National 4-H Week in October.
Following the meeting, Bailey and Collin Schmiedt presented an illustrated talk on making a bow using a PVC pipe and rope and gave the archery safety rules.
Emily Ohlrogge gave a demonstration on making cupcakes in a cup.
Club members worked on record books and award applications.

PHOTO: Collin Schmiedt and Bailey Schmiedt present an illustrated talk on how to make a bow using PVC pipe and rope along with the archery safety rules.

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