Letcher Town Board proceedings

September 4, 2013

Mayor Chada called the meeting to order with Ackman, Hoffman and Knutson in attendance. T. Kelly met with the board regarding the library.
Library – Kelly indicated that the library was well used over the summer months and would like to continue during the winter with opening. She will get Ackman the hours to be published. A few supplies will be needed that the town will purchase. The board greatly appreciates the hours Ms. Kelly has committed to the library.
Streets – discussion was held on some possible tree trimming to be done by private parties.
Ackman informed the board that the ALM application for rugs and a door was not completed on time for the community center.
LSY has one more event planned before water and electricity can be shut off.
J. Fridley will be invited to attend the October meeting.
Ackman was instructed to locate the landscaping timbers and to have Hohbach winterize the bathrooms at Rossy.
A motion was made by Hoffman, seconded by Knutson, carried, to approve the August minutes as read.
A motion was made by Knutson, seconded by Hoffman, carried, to approve publication of the Categorical Exclusion.
Discussion was held on purchasing some property, which was tabled at this time.
A motion was made by Knutson, seconded by Hoffman, to approve the following claims for payment:
Fire: Santel Communications $28.29, Buckshots $115.44 fuel, Cor-Insurance $4,629.00 insurance;
General: A. Farmer $100.00 Community Center Cleaning, Superior Satellite $1,062.49 Booster, TC Enterprises $57.95 booster, A. Farmer $75.00 Community Center Cleaning, Scott Supply $17.55 mower, C & B Operation $12.97 mower, Sanborn Weekly Journal $69.35 publication, Santel Communications $35.49 phone, Buckshots $19.87 fuel, Postmaster $46.00 postage, Brooks Oil $508.20 propane, wages $741.23;
WATER/SEWER: Miedema $64.00 garbage, Santel Communications $57.35 phone, Postmaster $46.00, Dakota Rural Water $2,378.10, South Dakota Department of Revenue $13.00 testing, Brooks Oil $326.70 propane, wages $484.70.
The Next meeting will be held October 7th, 2013.
Mary Ackman

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