Letcher Town Board proceedings

May 6, 2013

Mayor Chada called the meeting to order with Hohbach, Ackman, Hoffman and Knutson in attendance. Others attending included H. Steinmetz and J. Fridley.
Water/Sewer – Hohbach was acknowledged by the state for 11 consecutive years of meeting the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act and South Dakota regulations. The board thanked him for his service. Ackman informed the board that one letter from the state said our sewer application was in compliance and the next day a letter came stating that it wasn’t. John Clem also advised via e-mail that we should complete a USDA application for the project.
Grounds – H. Steinmetz met with the board regarding expectations for grounds keeping this year. The board discussed some projects with him. A motion was made by Knutson, seconded by Hoffman, carried, to set Harold’s wages at $9.00/hour for the season. The water is on at both parks.
Streets – Blading was discussed and Mentele will continue to blade.
LSY – Ackman will provide the Youth Group with the necessary keys.
A motion was made by Knutson, seconded by Hoffman, carried, to approve the financial reports as presented.
A motion made by Hoffman, seconded by Knutson, carried to approve the April minutes as read.
Old Business: Ackman informed the board that she had received quotes from Tech Solutions for a laptop, printer and QuickBooks. The board directed her to go ahead with the purchase.
New Business: Discussion was held on a request from the fire department to blow the emergency siren to help alert members to the need to respond. Sanborn County Emergency Management is checking on the cost of a system that would allow the tornado siren to be activated from a cell phone. A motion was made by Knutson, seconded by Hoffman, carried, to allow the firemen to use the siren for assistance. The difference will be that it will blow for a short time for a fire and a long time for a tornado.
The board toured the library as they are hoping to sell books and turn it into an office.
A motion made by Hoffman, seconded by Knutson, carried to approve the following claims for payment:
Water/Sewer: Wages $461.75, Dakota Rural Water $1,845.45. Brooks Oil $363.00 propane, Santel Communications $55.87 telephone, Department  of Environment and Natural Resources $13.00 testing, Quill $68.69 supplies, USDA $156.00, NorthWestern Energy $105.20;
General: A. Duffel $150.00 mopping, City of Woonsocket $2,702.90 mower, Clayton’s Repair $786.59 repairs, Brooks Oil $242.00 propane, Miedema Sanitation $160.00 garbage, Santel Communications $35.21 telephone, Scott Supply $125.24 repairs, Quill $68.68, Jobs HQ $83.64 advertising, Hoffman Digging $950.00 snow, wages $1,961.88;
Fire: Firefighters Association $420.00 dues, Clayton’s Repair $1,437.46, Santel Communications $28.29.
The next board meeting will be held June 5, 2013.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Finance Officer

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