Letcher Town Board proceedings

June 5, 2013

Mayor Chada called the meeting to order with Ackman, Hohbach, Hoffman, and Knutson in attendance.
WATER/SEWER: discussion was held on the DENR application and it was decided to proceed with a RD application also. Hohbach was presented with a letter regarding fourth quarter DMRs. Ackman shared some correspondence saying the application was complete and the next day the application was incomplete. Aakers will be contacted.
Community Center: Ackman informed the board that Duffel will no longer be cleaning the community center.  Chada discussed with A. Farmer taking over. Pay will remain at $25/time. The air conditioner was discussed. Hoffman will contact Weisser for recommendation. Ackman will include a letter with water   bills regarding dumping of items other than tree branches at the rodeo grounds.
Grounds: Ackman shared some concern from citizens with the board regarding unkept property. Ackman will also visit with the Director of Equalization on a couple of properties that are starting to accumulate junk. Mayor Chada had visited with the county on assistance with weed control on a couple of lots.
A motion made by Knutson, seconded by Hoffman, carried, approving the financial reports as presented.
A motion by Hoffman, seconded  by Knutson, carried, to approve the May minutes as read.
Old Business: A motion was made by Knutson, seconded by Hoffman, to sign the intent of membership with District III for the 2014 year.
A motion was made by Hoffman, seconded by Knutson, carried, to declare all unwanted library materials as surplus. Means of disposal is still in discussion.
A motion by Knutson, seconded by Hoffman, carried, to hire Jim Fridley as extra help at the rate of $10/hour.
Ackman presented the board with new computer/printer costs and was instructed to proceed with the purchase.
New Business:
Hoffman and A. Chada shared with the board that a grant was written requesting $1,200 with half to be paid by the Letcher Voluntary Fire Department for a cell booster at the community center and fire hall.
A motion was made by Knutson, seconded by Hoffman, carried, to approve the liquor licenses for Jake’s Lounge and Buckshots LLC.
A motion by Hoffman, seconded by Knutson, carried, to approve the following claims for payment:
LSY: $480.00 General reimbursement;
Fire: Water/Sewer $28.29 reimbursement, Santel Communications $28.29 phone;
Water/Sewer: USDA $156.00, NorthWestern Energy $109.61, Davison Rural Water $2,079.95, Santel Communications $55.87, Department of Environment and Natural Resources $60.00 dues, Postmaster $46.00, wages $461.75;
GENERAL: Intuit $218.27 Accounting, NorthWestern Energy $357.39-street $16.03-park $185.87-community center, fire reserve $2,100.00 dues, Brooks $177.00 fuel, M. Chada $140.00 reimbursement, E. Hoffman $100.00 reimbursement, Sanborn Weekly Journal $86.25 publication, Miedema Sanitation $96.00 garbage, Santel Communications $35.00 phone, Clayton’s Repair $310.27 repairs, C&B Operation $403.96 repairs, Menards $145.52 supplies, M. Luckett $245.47 reimbursement, A. Duffel $25.00 mopping, South Dakota of Department Revenue $300.00 liquor license, wages $1,477.38.
The date of the next meeting is yet to be determined due to holiday.
Mary Ackman
Finance Officer

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