Letcher Town Board proceedings

July 8, 2013

Mayor Chada called the meeting to order with Ackman, Knutson, Hoffman, and Hohbach in attendance. Also meeting with the board were f. Blindauer, K. Blindauer, and T. Kelly.
Water/Sewer: Discussion was held on the lift station not functioning properly. Chada will contact Dakota Pump. Ackman was instructed to contact District III and ask if the sewer project is scaled back – will the funding also be scaled back? Discussion was also held on applying for USDA funding. There was some confusion regarding the reading of the water meters on June 15. Customers will be sent billing or the minimum’s with an explanation as soon as possible.
Community Center: The board discussed the disappearance of the wheel chairs belonging to the Legion. A search was held with no results.
West Nile: C&J will once again fog with the rates remaining at $75/per person and $.55 per mile.
A motion was made by Hoffman, seconded by Knutson, carried, to approve the June minutes as read.
Old business: Library opening was discussed with Kelly and Blindauers. They have offered to open it for the summer months and every other Saturday on a trail basis. They hope to coordinate with a 4-H group for youth activities. The board agreed to their proposal with a motion from Knutson, seconded by Hoffman, carried.
New Business: A motion was made by Knutson, seconded by Hoffman, to pursue USDA funding contingent upon the answer from District III regarding the possibility of cutting back the project. Therefore:
WHEREAS, the Town of Letcher is interested in making certain improvements to the sewer system, consisting of replacing the sewage lift station and stabilizing the sewage treatment ponds; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Letcher proposes to apply for USDA rural Development assistance in order to assist in making the improvements; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Letcher is eligible for federal assistance for the proposed project;  and
WHEREAS, with the submission of this application, the Town of Letcher assures and certifies that all Rural Development program requirements will be fulfilled.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Letcher Town Board duly authorizes the submission of this application requesting approximately $586,250 in assistance for the project; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairperson of the Letcher Town Board be authorized execute this application on behalf of the Town.
Dated this 8th day of July 2013.
Mark Chada,
Letcher Town Board             Chairperson
Mary Ackman,
City Finance Officer
The following claims were presented for payment:
Fire: Central Firefighters $43.00 dues, Buckshots $191.69 fuel, Vanteak Communications $2201.40 radios, Penguin Management $834,99 paging, Santel Communications $28.29;
General: Buckshots $69.51 fuel, Weiser’s A-1 $178.50 Community Center repairs, Fritz Mentele $1,897.20 blading, US Treasury $1,221.40 payroll, Postmaster $46.00, Quill $79.98 office supplies, Buckshots $144.58 fuel, Santel Communications $995.16 computer printer phone, Miedema Sanitation $64.00 garbage, payroll $3,555.28.
Water/Sewer: Payroll $461.75, US Treasury $306.00 payroll, Davison Rural Water $2,076.60, SD Department of Revenue $158.00 testing, Santel Communications $55.87.
The next regular board meeting will be held on August 7.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Mary Ackman,
Finance Officer

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