The Town ‘N Kountry Kids 4-H Club Red Crew

Megan Linke, assisted by 4-H Leader Paula Linke, prepares to demonstrate how a rocket with fuselage only (no “fins”) will fly from the rocket launcher.

The Town ‘N Kountry Kids 4-H Club Red Crew met on Jan. 26 in the Community Center at Woonsocket. Prior to the meeting, members wrote personal notes in Valentine cards to be sent to our elderly friends. The meeting was called to order by Vice President Corrie Snedeker. The Flag Pledge was led by Shaun Snedeker and the 4-H pledge was led by Riley Schmiedt. Megan Linke led roll call as 16 members answered the question, “What is least favorite part of winter?” The club welcomed new member, Corey Fink. The secretary’s report was read by Nathan Linke and approved as presented. The treasurer’s report was given by Elliott Ohlrogge and approved as presented. Numerous reports were given. Trista White and Dilyn Brooks reported on the Recognition Event held in November. Aaron Linke told about the cleaning items collected for the Sanborn County Food Pantry. Megan and Aaron and Evan Ohlrogge reported on Christmas season tree decorating that was done at the courthouse, Community Center and nursing home. Shaun and Nick Snedeker talked about how the club recognized staff and teachers during American Education Week. Elliott and Nathan reported on the co-project the club did with a Modern Woodmen grant where they shopped for $250 worth of groceries at Darin’s Market and donated them to the Sanborn County Food Pantry prior to Christmas. Collin Schmiedt and Skylar Gravatt told about the wreath project day. Kaylee White and Brooklyn Swenson explained making a scrapbook calendar at the county project day. Under old business, the club discussed their individual goals and each member recorded a goal for the year. They also talked about planning for when they would each do a talk or demonstration this year. Health/Safety Officer Riley Schmiedt presented information on the importance and benefits of exercise and stretching. Next the club moved to new business. The Sanborn County Leaders received a mini grant from the South Dakota 4-H Leaders Association that will be used for a “mystery trip” that is planned for senior members. Plans were discussed for the club’s next community service project. Members decided to go to the nursing home on Feb. 9 and help with manicures, play bingo, play a shooting targets game, do an obstacle course race and demonstrate a rocket launcher. All county 4-H members will be asked to sell fruit during February to be used towards improvements at the 4-H Building, possibly Achievement Day display units. Members were told about a statewide 4-H night that has been scheduled for a Sioux Falls Stampede Hockey game on Feb. 15. Following the meeting, a demonstration was given by Megan on making a paper rocket and how changes in how the rocket is made may change how it flies from a rocket launcher. Snacks were served by Dilyn and then some members played musical chairs. The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 9 at the nursing home along with the community service project.

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