Sanborn Central School Board meeting

Unapproved Minutes - December 14, 2015

The School Board of Sanborn Central School District 55-5 met in regular session on Monday, December 14, 2015 at 7:00 a.m. in the Sanborn Central Conference Room with the following present: Adams, Dean, Enfield, Olson, and Schmit. Others present were: Superintendent Whitney; High School Principal Siemsen; Elementary/Middle School Principal Vermeulen; and Business Manager Bechen.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion by Schmit, seconded by Enfield, all aye, to approve the agenda as printed.
Motion by Dean, seconded by Enfield, all aye, to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting November 9, 2015 as printed.
Visitors to Board Meeting: none.
Motion by Enfield, seconded by Dean, all aye, to approve the Financial Statement and bills.
General Fund balance November, 1, 2015: $158,216.18. Receipts: taxes $331,736.91, penalties/interest $573.53, interest $12.34, other pupil income $95.83, other local income $67.00, state fines $2,538.86, state aid $32,736.00, admission $1,051.49, donation $1,314.00, Medicaid adm $569.79, surplus property sold $500.00. Expenditures: $150,194.00, manual journal entry $97.25.  Balance November 30, 2015: $379,120.68. Invested $25,000.00. CorTrust Savings balance November 1, 2015: $209,495.24. Receipts: interest $0.00. Expenditures: $0.00.  Balance November 30, 2015: $209,495.24.
Capital Outlay Fund balance November 1, 2015: $862,296.44. Receipts: taxes $211,867.09, penalties/interest $342.41, interest $34.55, contribution $9,000.00.  Expenditures: $16,618.04. Balance November 30, 2015: $1,066,922.45.
Special Education Fund balance November 1, 2015: $67,485.30. Receipts: taxes $5,954.27, penalties/interest $13.55, interest $1.48, Medicaid adm $48.00. Expenditures: $24,225.89. Balance November 30, 2015: $49,276.71. CorTrust Savings balance November 1, 2015: $1,820.85. Receipts: interest $0.00. Balance November 30, 2015: $1,820.85.
Pension Fund balance November 1, 2015: $1,352.80. Receipts: taxes $11,885.08, penalties/interest $19.63, interest $0.50. Expenditures: $0.00.  Balance November 30, 2015: $13,258.01.
Food Service Fund balance November 1, 2015: $13,274.43. Receipts: interest $0.49, student lunches $3,836.17, adult lunches $357.50, lunch certification $160.14, federal reimbursement $5,248.59, manual journal entry $97.25. Expenditures: $13,100.52. Balance November 30, 2015: $9,874.05.
Enterprise Fund balance November 1, 2015: $50.15. Receipts: $0.00. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance November 30, 2015: $50.15.
Scholarship Fund balance November 1, 2015: $14,668.32. Receipts: interest $0.69. Expenditures: $0.00. Balance November 30, 2015: $14,669.01. Peters Scholarship balance $14,669.01; Nelson Scholarship balance: $0.00.
Trust and Agency Funds balance November 1, 2015: $54,974.74. Receipts: $16,547.74. Expenditures: $25,388.92. Balance November 30, 2015: $46,009.56.
Salaries and benefits for the month of December 2015 were as follows:
General Fund: $140,043.80;
Special Education: $17,856.49;
Food Service: $7,391.86.
Claims approved:
GENERAL FUND – A&B Business, copies $35.96; A&M Products Co., volleyball plaques $155.00; A-Ox Welding, cylinder rent $29.82; Churchill, Manolis, Freeman, Kludt, Shelton & Burns LLP, audit letter fee/postage $121.41; Dauby’s Sport Center, girls basketball supply/reversibles $337.00; Dial Corporation, membership $600.00; Eldridge Publishing Co., one-act scripts $31.75; Engineered Specialties, LLC, ag supply $33.99; Shane Gross, ag shop supply $4.69; Holiday Inn, ESL classes room $120.00, state volleyball rooms $3,840.00;
[IMPREST FUND: Gayle Bechen, state volleyball meal money $1,904.00; Hanson School, junior high girls basketball registration $80.00; Koby Larson, fifth/sixth basketball referee $30.00; Menno Public School, oral interp fee $30.22; Mitchell Christian School, oral interp fee $126.64; Robin Moody, fifth/sixth girls basketball referee $30.00; Emily Olson, fifth/sixth boys basketball referee $15.00; Troy Olson, fifth/sixth boys basketball referee $30.00; Region V, high school music fest registration $20.00, junior high music fest registration $10.00; VISA, elementary supply $78.67, middle school supply $120.00, high school supply $160.00, superintendent supply $52.46];
John Deere Financial, bus supply $321.18; Jostens, yearbook first deposit $1,928.00; Mid-Dakota Technologies, professional service $52.50; Miner County Pioneer, subscription renewal $48.92; Paxton/Patterson, ag shop supply $65.20; Running’s Supply, ag shop supply $20.77; SCW Volleyball, JH/C refs/line judges $360.00; Sanborn Weekly Journal, board proceedings $268.46; School Specialty, playground cart $285.71; SD Department of Health, nurse service $10.00; Sun Gold Sports, elementary supply $30.00, middle school supply $15.00; TC Enterprises, rewiring materials/labor $1,197.01; VISA, air cards $120.03, guidance books $168.20; Woonsocket School, 50 percent share All-State Chorus $283.80.
CAPITAL OUTLAY Fund — A&B Business, Inc., copier rent $781.12; Brooks Oil, #1 diesel $3,115.20; Central Electric, elect. $2,496.84; Farmers Alliance, propane 1,387.50; First National Bank in Sioux Falls, co cert principal $130,000.00, co cert interest $7,372.50, co cert agent fee $500.00; First National Insurance, vehicle insurance $60.00; Foreman Sales & Service, 2015 14-passenger Chevy bus $48,170.00; Graves IT Solutions, network switch $1,029.50; Greene Manufacturing, arc welding center $1,575.00; Santel Communications, telephone/internet service $249.69.
SPECIAL EDUCATION Fund – Huron School District, October tuition $585.27; James Valley Education Coop, adm fee $3,765.00, psych services $1,855.00, PT services $2,493.00, OT services $3,240.00; Mitchell School Dist., October tuition $613.14; ShopKo, SPED supply $48.97.
FOOD SERVICE Fund – Card Services, food $338.66, supply 9.93; Cedar Shore Resort, conference room $84.95; Darrington Water Conditioning, SS tank $24.00; Dean Foods, milk $396.45; Earthgrains, bread $151.40;
[IMPREST FUND: VISA, food $63.84];
Reinhart Foodservice, food $3,145.13, supply $36.36; Walmart, food $37.44.
Mrs. Whitney reported on the following:
•    End of the second quarter/first semester on December 23;
•    Christmas vacation schedule with school starting on January 4;
•    Preliminary quotes for new bleachers;
•    and Rick Olsen is working on getting the Cube set up so our events can be broadcast over the Internet.
Mr. Siemsen reported on the following:
•    Information on girls and boys basketball;
•    an excellent Christmas Concert presented on December 10 and special thanks to the kitchen staff for preparing cookies and juice and to Tina Luthi and Wanda Effling for serving;
•    and the semester test schedule.
Mrs. Vermeulen reported on the following:
•    lost three students and gained four in the elementary;
•    Middle school students using the Parent Portal to check on grades;
•    Upland Colony Christmas Concert is on December 16 at 7:30 p.m.;
•    Middle school student council assisted with the Christmas dinner on Friday, December 11;
•    and Dakota Kidder won the 2015 Patriot’s Pen essay contest for the Mitchell VFW.
Other discussion items:
•    Possibly placing radar speed reading signs on the highway, and
•    would like to thank the Artesian Community Improvement Association for their donation to help defray the cost o•f State Football and Volleyball.
Motion by Schmit, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve piggybacking off the bid from Andes Central School District for a 2015 Chevy 14-passenger bus for the price of $48,170.
Motion by Enfield, seconded by Adams, all aye, to approve a resident student enrollment back into our district from an open enrollment from another district. Board approval required according to SDCL 13-28-43. Discussion was held.
Discussion was held on purchasing new bleachers for the south side of the gym. Booster Club will pay for part of the cost.
Motion by Dean, seconded by Schmit, all aye, to approve advertising for bids for new bleachers on the south side of the gym to be opened at the January board meeting.
Regular Board meeting will be held on Friday, January 15, 2015 at 7:00 a.m. in the Sanborn Central School Conference Room.
Motion by Dean, seconded by Adams, all aye, to adjourn the meeting at 7:34 a.m.
Gayle Bechen
Business Manager
Troy Olson
Board Chair

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