Woonsocket School Board proceedings


The Woonsocket Board of Education met in regular session on January 11, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the library/media center of the Woonsocket School.   Members attending were:  Darrin Uttecht, Jason White, Gary Steichen, Lisa Snedeker and Todd Olinger. Others attending were Superintendent Rod Weber, Paula Lynch, Chris Selland, and  Mitch Korbel. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
On a motion by Todd Olinger, seconded by Gary Steichen, the Board approved the meeting agenda with one additional item to come before the Board.  Motion carried.
The minutes of the regular board meeting held on December 14th, 2015 were approved as presented on a motion by Gary Steichen, seconded by Darrin Uttecht.  Motion carried.
On a motion by Gary Steichen, seconded by Todd Olinger, the Board approved the claims presented and the December 2015 financial report as follows, motion carried:
GENERAL FUND, Beginning balance: $1,180,670.78; Add receipts:  Taxes $38,415.22; Interest $456.26; Other local $3,718.63;  State $62,080.00; Federal $0.00;  Total to be accounted for:  $1,285,340.89; less disbursements $132,725.18; Cash Balance: $1,152,615.71.
CAPITAL OUTLAY, Beginning balance: $631,931.60; Add receipts:  Taxes $18,053.36;  Other local 0.00;  Federal $0.00.  Total to be accounted for:  $649,984.96;  less disbursements $41,486.42;   Cash balance: $608,498.54.
SPECIAL EDUCATION, Beginning balance: $377,456.10; Add receipts: Taxes $9,086.17; Other local $0.00;  State $0.00; Federal $0.00; Total to be accounted for: $386,542.27; less disbursements $24,265.08; Cash balance: $362,277.19.
PENSION, Beginning balance: $198,859.09; Add receipts:  Taxes $2,317.73; Other local $0.00; Total to be accounted for: $201,176.82; less disbursements $0.00; Cash balance: $201,176.82.
FOOD SERVICE, Beginning balance: $25,103.04; Add receipts:  Pupil receipts $4,145.65;  Adult receipts $445.00; Interest $1.10; Other local $380.70;  State $0.00; Federal reimbursement $4,474.38;  Total to be accounted for: $34,549.87; less disbursements $11,099.23; Cash  balance: $23,450.64.
ENTERPRISE FUND #53, Beginning balance: $35,808.43;  Add receipts: Other local $990.00;  Total to be accounted for: $36,798.43;  less disbursements $3,929.72;  Cash balance: $32,868.71.
TRUST AND AGENCY, Beginning balance: $41,613.54; Add receipts: Interest $1.68; Pupil activities $5,955.29; Total to be accounted for: $47,570.51; less disbursements $13,175.55;  Cash Balance $34,394.96.
Salaries and benefits for the month of December 2015 were as follows:
General Fund: $111,197.23
A-Ox Welding, Cylinder Lease $195.95
Amazon, Library Books $72.53
AT&T, Cellphone $61.53
Bakers Design, Flowers – Christmas Concert $55.50
Brooks Oil, Fuel Oil $4,514.94
City of Woonsocket, Water Service $64.36
Clayton, Trent, Reimburse – Snow Blower Part $43.68
Creative Printing, State Football Pennant $110.30
EMC Insurance, Work Comp Audit $750.00
Express 2, Gas – Vehicles/Mini-Bus $223.59
Express Stop, Gas – Vehicles/Snowblower $127.38
First National Bank, Visa    Supplies/Lego Grant $1,426.41
Hartford Steam Boiler, Boiler Inspection Certificate Fee $25.00
Heil Electric, Lightbulbs $45.09
Imagine Learning, Inc., ELL License $300.00
[Imprest Fund:
Baruth, Corey, Referee – C and Junior Varsity Games $80.00
Baruth, Corey, Referee – Junior High/Junior Varsity $55.00
Blue, Greg, Referee – Basketball Doubleheader $90.00
Clark, Matt, Referee/Mileage – Basketball Doubleheader $161.40
Heinz, Dennis, Referee – Basketball Doubleheader $90.00
Kemp, Josh, Referee/Mileage – Basketball Doubleheader $125.70
Kingsbury, Kevin, Referee – Junior High/Junior Varsity $55.00
Kingsbury, Kevin, Referee – C and Junior Varsity Games $80.00
Krietlow, Bob, Referee – Basketball Doubleheader $90.00
Pooley, Mike, Referee – Basketball Doubleheader $90.00
SDASFAA, Counselor Workshop Fee $25.00
US Post Office, Postage Expense $147.00
December Claims: $1,089.10]
Jaymar Business Forms, Payroll Forms $122.02
Juffer Inc., Trailer Endorsement $79.00
K&D Busing Inc.,     Reg. Route/Co-Curr. Route $13,083.00
Lynch, Paula, Reimburse – Postage $8.15
McLeods, Copy Paper/Checks $3,366.59
Menards, Shop Supplies $34.01
Napa Auto Parts, Wiper Blades – Yukon    $35.98
Northwest Pipe Fittings, Custodian Supplies $186.70
NorthWestern Energy, Electric Service $3,416.73
Oriental Trading Company, Christmas Craft Carnival Supplies $162.62
Petty Cash, Postage Expense $7.10
Precision Pro, Golf Equipment $154.47
Santel Communications, Phone/Cable/Internet $299.34
Schmiedt, Bruce, Reimburse – Background Check $43.25
SDFBCA, Football Clinic – A. Rodriguez $50.00
SDSU Music Department, Bandmasters Music Conference $47.00
Sweet Grass, Rolls – Library Reading Awards $29.00
Walmart, CD Player – Gym $108.00
Waste Management of Huron, Garbage Service $560.09
Weber, Rodrick, Mileage – Leg. Management – Pierre $100.80
Williams Music & Office Repair, Instrument Repair $55.00
Woony Foods, Supplies $162.24
Fund Total: $31,216.45
A&B Business Equipment, Copier Lease $926.09
Schoenhards, Taurus $6,859.00
Fund Total: $7,785.09
Special Education:  $9,897.80
Avera St. Lukes, Client Services, $581.46
Fund Total: $581.46
Enterprise #53: $3,929.72
United Energy/Farmers Alliance, Propane – Pre-K Building $168.94
Fund Total: $168.94
Food Service: $5,358.93
Ameripride Services, Laundry Service $52.52
Cedar Shore, Room-Food Service Conference $84.95
Earthgrains Company, Food $87.24
Variety Food, Food/Dishwasher Rent $4,809.16
Woony Foods, Supplies $31.35
Fund Total: 5,065.22
Chris Selland gave the financial report and advised that there is one three-year term open on the School Board this year (Darrin Uttecht).
Superintendent Weber updated the Board on the inspection (done annually) by Riddell, Inc. on the football helmets and equipment. We will purchase seven new helmets and a few sets of shoulder pads.  The junior high helmets are only a couple of years old and all passed the safety inspection.
A project was discussed to replace/upgrade the floorboard planks of the bleachers. The material used when we purchased the bleachers 10 years ago has since been replaced by the Company due to the deep texture of the material and the inability to properly clean the surface. The company would replace the floorboard planks for cost (labor and materials) at approximately $11,500.00. The Board will consider this proposal.
Superintendent Weber will be attending a SDHSAA meeting in Pierre on January 13th that will address the mascot issue.
Discussion was held on the possible relocation of the Pre-K classes. We have seven high school students that are currently taking dual credit (high school and college credit) classes. The students are responsible for payment of the discounted college credits. Superintendent Weber also advised that six of one hundred fifty-one schools surveyed have a school start date after Labor Day. We will continue to take the two days prior to Labor Day Monday off for students to participate in State Fair and 4-H activities. The Board will plan to approve the 2016-2017 calendar at the regular February meeting.
Mr. Rodriguez was recognized by the Board for his successful PEP (Physical Education Program) grant application and  $7,000.00 award to be utilized for PE and fitness equipment.
Principal Paula Lynch advised that the WEPC bingo is planned for March 6th  and the Lego Club currently has 75-80 participants (K-6) and has been split into two sections due to the size of the group. Also, Northwestern Public Service has awarded the Lego Club a $1,000.00 grant to purchase legos. This is the second award received in as many years and the District greatly appreciates these generous donations as do the Lego Group Advisors, Jason and Jessica Bruce.
We have welcomed two new elementary students to the District.
On a motion by Lisa Snedeker, seconded by Gary Steichen, the Board approved April 12, 2016 for the school board election.  Motion carried.
On a motion by Gary Steichen, with a second by Darrin Uttecht, the Board approved a correction to the referee pay schedule for basketball from $85.00 to $90.00 per contract (single-header) to comply with the contracted amount. Motion carried.
On a motion by Lisa Snedeker, seconded by Todd Olinger, the Board approved the hire of Jerry Jenssen as Special Education Driver Substitute to transport a student to and from Mitchell at a rate of $25.00 per round trip ($50.00 per day). Motion carried.
It was moved by Todd Olinger, with a second by Gary Steichen, to approve  the purchase of a 2007 Ford Taurus from Schoenhard Ford in Huron for $6,895.00.  The vehicle is purchased for transportation  for a student to Mitchell Lifequest  and it will also be utilized for Driver’s Education in the summer.  Motion carried.
Motion was made to approve Jim VanDenHemel’s resignation effective at the conclusion of the 2015-2016 school year and also to approve his contract payout in June for the purpose of his retirement.  The School Board would like to thank Mr. VanDenHemel for his 45 years of service to the Woonsocket School.  Motion carried.
On a motion by Todd Olinger, with a second by Darrin Uttecht, the Board approved a change in the regular February Board  meeting from February 8th to February 12th due to a conflict with a Board Member attending.  Motion carried.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the January  11, 2016 regular board meeting of the Woonsocket Board of Education was adjourned at 8:09 p.m. on a motion by Gary Steichen, with a second by Lisa Snedeker.  Motion carried.
Business Manager

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