Woonsocket School Board proceedings


The Woonsocket Board of Education met in regular session on April 12th, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the library/media center of the Woonsocket School.  The meeting was rescheduled to Tuesday, April 12th due to a Board member conflict.  Members attending were:  Todd Olinger, Jason White, Gary Steichen, Lisa Snedeker, and Darrin Uttecht. Others attending were Superintendent Rod Weber, Paula Lynch,  Chris Selland, Dayna Rodriguez, Evan Hendershot from the Daily Republic, and Drae Styles-Blew, McKenzy Peterson and Mason Dise, who were in attendance as a government class assignment. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
On a motion by Todd Olinger, seconded by Gary Steichen, the Board approved the meeting agenda as presented. Motion carried.
The minutes of the regular board meeting held on March 14th, 2016 were approved as presented on a motion by Lisa Snedeker, seconded by Darrin Uttecht.  Motion carried.
Government student McKenzy Peterson addressed the Board inquiring how long each member had served.
On a motion by Gary Steichen, seconded by Todd Olinger, the Board approved the claims presented and the March 2016 financial report as follows. Motion carried.
GENERAL FUND Beginning balance: $1,059,807.65; Add receipts: Taxes $25,112.29; Interest $432.17; Other local: $273.65;  State $68,515.33; Federal $0.00; Total to be accounted for:  $1,154,141.09;  less disbursements, $154,414.09; Cash Balance: $999,727.00.
CAPITAL OUTLAY Beginning balance: $627,615.97; Add receipts: Taxes $17,079.54; Other local: 0.00; Federal $0.00. Total to be accounted for:  $644,695.51;  less disbursements, $926.09;   Cash balance: $643,769.42.
SPECIAL EDUCATION  Beginning balance: $355,444.49; Add receipts: Taxes $8,588.93; Other Local:  $0.00;  State $0.00; Federal $0.00; Total to be accounted for: $364,033.42; less disbursements, $14,006.43; Cash balance: $350,026.99.
PENSION Beginning balance:  $205,721.42; Add receipts:  Taxes $2,555.80; Other Local: $0.00; Total to be accounted for: $208,277.22; less disbursements, $0.00; Cash balance: $208,277.22.
FOOD SERVICE Beginning balance: $27,222.68; Add receipts:  Pupil receipts $7,472.55; Adult receipts $317.00; Interest $1.25; Other local: $202.90; State $0.00; Federal reimbursement $5,719.40; Total to be accounted for: $40,935.78; less disbursements, $10,094.74; Cash  balance: $30,841.04.
ENTERPRISE FUND #53  Beginning balance: $26,703.85;  Add receipts: Other local: $1,214.00;   Total to be accounted for: $27,917.85; less disbursements, $3,929.72; Cash balance:  $23,988.13.
TRUST AND AGENCY  Beginning balance: $35,597.05; Add receipts: Interest $1.50; Pupil activities $6,235.60; Total to be accounted for: $41,834.15; less disbursements, $3,757.55; Cash balance: $38,076.60.
Salaries and benefits for the month of March 2016 were as follows:
General Fund:   $127,375.78
Special Education:  $10,680.67
Enterprise #53:   $3,929.72
Food Service:  $5,171.74
AT&T, Cellphone $58.13
Brown & Saenger    Printer, Cartridges-Library $38.98
Burnison Plumbing & Heating, Plumbing – Parts/Service Call $2,579.87
Dakota Recognition/Jostens, NHS Medallions $107.40
Davis, Bernie, Reimburse – Microphones/Drama $317.97
Express 2, Gas – Vehicles/Mini-Bus $255.78
Express Stop, Gas – Vehicles/Mini-Bus $90.59
Gross, Shane, Reimburse – Gas – Meat Contest $30.75
Hauff Mid-America Sports Inc., Chenille Letters $410.20
Healy Awards, Weight Room Record Board $200.00
Heil Electric, Ballasts $119.84
Hillyard    Custodian, Supplies/Floor Machine Repairs $1,088.16
[Imprest Fund:
US Post Office, Postage Expense $147.00
Total March Imprest Claims: $147.00]
Juffer Inc., Taurus Endorsement $340.00
K & D Busing Inc.,  Bus-Reg/Co-Curr. Routes $12,830.63
KO’s Pro Service, Tires – Mini Bus/Yukon $1,074.60
Menards, Shop Supplies $42.41
Northwestern Public Service, Electric Service $3,676.83
Petty Cash, Postage Expense $16.60
Quill Corporation, High School Supplies $89.02
Readers Den, Library/English Books $34.38
Rew’s TV & Appliance, Filter $44.99
Sanborn Weekly Journal, Publications $371.03
Santel Communications, Phone/Cable/Internet $283.46
Schmiedt, Darin, Reimburse – Background Check $43.25
SD Department of Health, State Nurse Contract $440.00
SD High School Activities Association, Rulebooks $52.00
Tech Solutions, Service Call $80.00
Upstart, Summer Reading Prizes $69.19
VanDenHemel, James, Reimburse Batteries $105.99
Waste Management of WI-MN, Garbage Service $554.41
Woony Foods, Supplies $160.76
Fund Total: $25,754.22
A&B Business Equipment, Copier Lease $926.09
Pearson Education, Drivers Ed Texts/Materials – Split with Sanborn Central $2,531.18
Wordware, Annual Maintenance Fee – Food Service $1,065.00
Fund Total: $4,522.27
Avera St. Lukes, Client Services $634.32
Career Connections, Job Development Skills Training $128.87
Parent/Guardian, Parent/Guardian Mileage $318.20
Palace Transit, Student Transportation $104.00
Fund Total: $1,185.39
South Dakota Early Childhood Education, Pre-K Conference $180.00
Fund Total: $180.00
Buhls Dry Cleaning, Laundry Service $7.70
Earthgrains Company, Food $188.02
Variety Food, Food, Supplies and Dishwasher Rent $5,346.99
Woony Foods, Supplies $17.86
Fund Total: $5,560.57
Chris Selland gave the financial report and advised that group health insurance rates went up for our district five percent, with the range being from five percent to 19 percent within the pool. The consensus among the staff was to stay in the fully-funded pool for the next year and increase the deductible to $1,500.00 to help offset the increase. The district will contribute the same amount next year as this year as per the negotiated agreement.
The new state funding model was discussed with some verification received from the state as per the many questions regarding the formula. The SEC filing requirement information for the Capital Outlay certificates has been sent to Dougherty and Co. and will be submitted shortly via the EMMA federal system.
Superintendent Weber updated the Board on the plans to change the shared contract for Ag next year with Mr. Gross, as he will be at Sanborn Central. We will renegotiate the split in his contract, and plans are being made to adjust the schedule accordingly.
Superintendent Weber also advised that Prom plans are underway, and that track and golf are underway and going well with 30 Woonsocket students out for track and 17 total from both schools for golf.
The theatre project is being planned with approximately $86,000.00 raised/committed at this time. The community is thanked for this great fundraising effort. Thanks go out also to the Boosters for their contribution of $412.00, which was most of the cost of the new weight room records whiteboard with Blackhawk logo that has been installed in the weight room.
Plans are also being developed to move the Pre-K classroom into the elementary building and relocate the industrial arts classroom so that it is combined with the shop into one area. The shot clock and football were also discussed.
Principal Lynch advised that the field trips for the elementary students have been planned, with some having been completed already and that testing is going well.
On a motion by Lisa Snedeker, seconded by Todd Olinger, the Board approved the resolution for authorization of the Woonsocket School’s membership to the SDHSAA for the 2016-2017 year.  Motion carried.
Motion was made by Darrin Uttecht, seconded by Gary Steichen, to approve extra-instruction stipends of  $500.00 for second semester as per the negotiated agreement for the following teachers:  Craig Lieber, Dayna Rodriguez, Lynn Klaas and Mitch Korbel.  Motion carried.
Motion was made by Gary Steichen, with a second by Lisa Snedeker, to approve a Cross-Country Co-op program with Sanborn Central and submit an application for such to the SDHSAA. Currently, only the Woonsocket School has a Cross-Country program.  It is hoped that co-oping the program will involve more students and allow the program to field a cross-country team, as opposed to just individual competitors.  Motion carried.
Motion was made by Darrin Uttecht and seconded by Lisa Snedeker, to approve the WEA negotiated agreement for 2016-2017.  The package will increase average teacher salaries in the district by close to $5,000.00, and most extra-duty assignments will see an increase of $300.00 across the board.  Motion carried.
Motion was made by Todd Olinger to move the May regular board meeting from May 9th to May 10th (7:00 p.m.) due to the awards banquet being scheduled for May 9th.  The motion was seconded by Gary Steichen, and the motion was carried.
Motion was made by Gary Steichen, with a second by Darrin Uttecht, to approve Mitch Korbel as fifth/sixth Boy’s Basketball Coach for 2016-2017.  This extra-duty assignment was inadvertently left off of the list approved at the March  meeting.  Motion carried.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the April 12th, 2016 regular board meeting of the Woonsocket Board of Education was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. on a motion by Gary Steichen, with a second by Todd Olinger. Motion carried.
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