Letcher Town Board proceedings

October 4th, 2018

Mayor Chada called the meeting to order with Hoffman and Meier in attendance. 

A motion was made by Hoffman, seconded by Chada, carried, to approve September 18th, 2018, minutes as read.

A motion was made by Hoffman, seconded by Chada, carried, to approve the financials as presented.

Old Business: 

A discussion was held on the water sample report.

Discussion was held on past due accounts. 

The Board placed ads in the Sanborn Weekly Journal to run for two weeks.

A discussion was held on ordinances. The board is still waiting to hear back from District III on them.  

Discussion was held on the safety benefits paperwork deadline extending until February 2019.

New Business: 

A discussion was held on purchasing/trading in for a new lawn mower.  

A motion was made by Hoffman, seconded by Chada, carried, to approve to purchase a lawn mower.

Discussion was held on a water bill issue. 

A discussion was held on ordinances that the board is still waiting on Brian from District III to review.

Discussion was held on an application received for a job position. It will be discussed at the next meeting. 

The board discussed health insurance. The board will be meeting with Fischer Rounds in the future. 

A discussion was held on a Homeland Security Grant. The board will fill out paperwork for the Federal Emergency Management Agency to receive the approval letter. Once the approval letter is received, the board can order the warning siren.  

A motion was made by Hoffman, seconded by Chada, carried, to approve the following claims for payment:

General AND WATER/SEWER: Hoffman Digging and Well Repair – $1,875.00 – Meter Fittings, Jesse Dominguez – $331.55 – Meter Reading and Summer Help, South Dakota Department of Revenue – $9.50 – License Fees, Santel Communications – $329.92 – Water/Sewer – $76.75, Lift station – $44.29, Office Phone – $46.89, Office Internet – $66.58, Community Center Phone – $45.33, Community Center Internet – $50.08, Doug’s Custom Paint and Body – $39.95 – Mower Supplies, NorthWestern Energy – $962.95 – Lift station – $66.49, Ballpark – $73.52, Rossy Park – $31.33, Community Center – $274.78, Lagoon – $15.00, Street Lights – $462.32, Water Plant – $27.28, Angela Larson – $472.39 – Trustee Wages/Custodian, Menards – $33.90 – Water Supplies, Ed Hoffman – $1,769.87 – Trustee Wages, West Nile Spraying, Lost Time, Davison Rural Water – $2,057.45 – Water Used, Hoffman Digging – $306.05 – Push Up Trees, Mark Chada – $698.71 – Mayor Wages, Lost Time, Jim Fridley – $184.70 – Water Samples, Cor Insurance – $13,786.00 – insurance renewal, Dawson Construction – $2,479.59 – blading/gravel, Department of Revenue – $15.00 – water samples.

The next board meeting will be held on October 28th, 2018, at 7:00 p.m.

Angie Meier

Finance Officer

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