Sanborn County Commissioners proceedings

MARCH 17, 2020

Sanborn County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, at 9:00 a.m. with Chairman Jeff Ebersdorfer presiding. Present was Paul Larson, Steve Larson, Gary Blindauer, and Ray Ohlrogge. Auditor Diane Larson was also present. Auditor Larson reported that the March 3rd minutes should have said “Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Ohlrogge, to approve Good Friday and Easter Monday as holidays following the State procedures. All ayes. Motion carried.” Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Ohlrogge, to approve the minutes as corrected. All ayes. Motion carried. 


Paula Linke updated the board on happenings with the addition to the 4-H Building.


Several concerned citizens met with the board about a ditch on the county road ½ mile south of Highway 34 on 6-W. Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Ohlrogge, to fill the ditch back in. All ayes. Motion carried.


Stacy Mendenhall, Highway Superintendent and Sheri Kogel, Administrative Assistant, met with the board. Ron Gillen, Brosz Engineering, was present in an advisory capacity. Richard Bechen applied for an Approach Permit for an approach on the south side at approximately 41063 224th St, County Road 15 in Floyd Township.  Motion by P. Larson, seconded by S. Larson, to approve the permit. All ayes. Motion carried. Bids for screening gravel were opened. The only bid received was from Feistner Gravel & Excavation for $3.00 per ton with price negotiable for less if payloader available. Motion by S. Larson, seconded by P. Larson to accept the bid. All ayes.  Motion carried. 

Motion by S. Larson, seconded by P. Larson, to declare the 2000 New Holland Loader surplus and sell at public auction. All ayes. Motion carried. Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Ohlrogge, to purchase a 2013 Cat Loader 938 K for $154,688.00 to replace the one damaged by fire. All ayes. Motion carried.  

Sanborn County has entered into an agreement with Jim and Julie Davis to mine gravel from their pit in Jackson Township. Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Ohlrogge, to pay $1.80 per ton after material is piled with half being paid in 2020 and half in 2021. All ayes. Motion carried.

Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Ohlrogge, to adopt the following resolution:



WHEREAS, seasonal climatic changes can be detrimental to our highways, and

WHEREAS, the Sanborn County Board of County Commissioners, desires to protect existing Sanborn County Highways, ultimately saving the tax dollars and,

WHEREAS, the Sanborn County Board of County Commissioners, desire the enforcement of weight limitations and speed limits on Sanborn County roads and bridges as set forth and posted by the Sanborn County Highway Superintendent.


That the South Dakota Highway Patrol be and hereby is authorized and requested to enforce weight limitations and speed limits on Sanborn County roads and bridges.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the penalty for the violation of the load restrictions shall be as set forth in SDCL 32-22-55.

Aye 5, Nay  0

Dated this 17th day of March, 2020 at Woonsocket, South Dakota


Diane Larson

Sanborn County Auditor

Jeff Ebersdorfer

Chairman of 

Sanborn County

Board of Commissioners

Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to adopt the following resolution:

Sanborn County Culvert 

Resolution #2020-5

WHEREAS, the Sanborn County Board of County Commissioners, desire to adopt the following county wide policies for culverts.

1. Culverts within Sanborn County shall be upsized to 24 inches without drainage board approval, unless the ditch will only accommodate     24 inches then an 18-inch culvert will be allowed.

2. Culverts within Sanborn County shall replace any damaged or failed RCP (round concrete pipe) with Double Wall Plastic Pipe.


That Sanborn County culvert replacements follow this resolution.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the culvert policy shall be as set forth in SDCL 31-14-2.

Aye 5, Nay 0

Dated the 17th day of March, 2020 at Woonsocket, South Dakota


Diane Larson

Sanborn County Auditor

Jeff Ebersdorfer

Chairman of 

Sanborn County

Board of Commissioners


Motion by S. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to supplement the highway budget for $25,593.80 for insurance money received for the damaged loader. All ayes. Motion carried.


Brian McGinnis, District III, was unable to meet with the board.

James River Water District

Dave Bartels from James River Water District requested that any projects applied for from the Water District start at the county level.  The board was in agreement.


Wayne Ruhnke of Mid-Dakota Rural Water System, Inc. met with the board. He is requesting authorization to construct or lay water pipelines in Sanborn County.  Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Ohlrogge, to adopt the following resolution:


Resolution No. 2020-3, granting Mid-Dakota Rural Water System, Inc., a county-wide authorization for the purpose of the continued placement and maintenance of pipeline and related appurtenances for the Sanborn County portion of the Mid-Dakota Rural Water Project.

Mid-Dakota Rural Water System, Inc., has heretofore applied to the Board of County Commissioners of Sanborn County, South Dakota, for authorization to construct or lay its water pipeline on, over, across, or under public highways and rights-of-way for the purpose of providing rural water service in Sanborn County, South Dakota, and elsewhere in the Mid-Dakota project area. Notice was duly given by mail of the application of Mid-Dakota Rural Water System, Inc. to all persons, firms, or corporations owning or operating electric, telephone, or telegraph lines within Sanborn County, South Dakota, in compliance with SDCL 31-26-13. All comments received were considered by the Sanborn County Commissioners.

This Resolution was adopted pursuant to SDCL Ch. 31-26 and in particular SDCL 31-26-24 and 31-26-25 by the Board of County Commissioners of Sanborn County, South Dakota, at a regular meeting which was held in the Commissioner’s room in the Courthouse in the City of Woonsocket, Sanborn County, South Dakota, on the 17th day of March, 2020. All Commissioners were present. After discussion, the following resolution was numbered 2020-3 and upon motion duly made, seconded, and carried was unanimously adopted:

BE IT RESOLVED that the Mid Dakota Rural Water System, Inc., a corporation, shall be allowed and permitted to run an underground pipeline for transmitting water or all purposes for which said corporation was formed along any and all public rights-of-way, including all rights-of-way between all sections in Sanborn County, South Dakota, so long as said transmission and distribution pipe is buried so as not to interfere with the building of any roads or causing any liability to the County.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mid-Dakota Rural Water System, Inc., a corporation, shall bear the expense of any subsequent movement of the pipeline, if such is required by Sanborn County.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that when the pipeline is installed in the public right-of-way, such right-of-way shall be restored to as near its original condition as is practical with normal construction methods.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the installation of such pipeline and appurtenances in the public right-of-way shall conform to plans and specifications to be submitted to the County, prior to construction, for review and commend, and said plans shall include the following conditions:

1.  Notice Prior to Starting-Work: Before starting construction work, the County Road Superintendent or other designated employee of the County will be notified at least 48 hours in advance of the time work is to begin.

2. Minimum Interference with Traffic: All work will be planned and carried out so as to minimize inconvenience to the traveling public.

3. Storage of Material:  No material shall be stored within eight (8) feet from the edge of pavement or traveled way or within the shoulder line unless otherwise approved by the County Superintendent.

4. Clean Up Right-of-Way:  Upon completion of work, litter will be removed and the right-of-way left in as presentable a condition as before work started.

5. Care of Drainage: If the contemplated work interferes with established drainage, provisions will be incorporated in the project during construction to maintain normal drainage.

6. Location Plans: Upon completion of the work a copy of the record drawing will be furnished to the County for their records and use.

7. Maintenance: The pipelines and appurtenances placed in the County right-of-way will be maintained and reasonable care exercised in inspecting and repairing any portion of the right-of-way which occurs as a result of the operation and maintenance of the pipelines and appurtenances.

8. Paved and FAS (Future Paved) Roadways: Pipelines installed perpendicular to asphalt or concrete paved roadways will be installed by boring or jacking methods or by an open cut.  Pipelines installed longitudinally in a right-of-way will be by an open cut.  Minimum of one-half of paved surfacing will be left clear and open to traffic at all times. All lanes will remain clear and open during the hours of darkness.

9. Graveled and Other Roadways: Pipelines installed transversely or longitudinally in a graveled or other road right-of-way will be by an open cut method. Roadways may be closed during construction for crossings provided detour signing is maintained. All lanes will remain clear and open during the hours of darkness.  Pipelines installed longitudinally in right-of-way will be by an open cut.

10. Depth of Pipelines:  Pipelines will be placed to a depth of cover consistent with design standards for water pipelines for the area. Where additional pipeline cover is necessary to accommodate future roadways, vertical and horizontal roadway designed clearances, the County shall so advise Mid-Dakota at the time of County review of the need for additional pipeline cover.

Adopted this 17th day of March, 2020


Diane Larson

Sanborn County Auditor

Jeff Ebersdorfer


Sanborn County 


Penny Farris, DOE, met with the board to discuss the flood plain development permitting process.  Motion by Ohlrogge, seconded by Blindauer, to set the permit at $25.00 per permit. All ayes. Motion carried.


Motion by Ohlrogge, seconded by Blindauer, to pay the following bills. All ayes. Motion carried:

First National Bank, Tax Liability $409.29

Hauge Associates, Inc., Wage Garnishment $298.37

First National Bank, Tax Liability $2,363.78

South Dakota Association of County Officials, Mod and Preservation $46.00

State Treasurer, Monthly Remittance $47,342.03

A-OX , Cylinders $41.04

AA Motorsports LLC, Oil Filter $14.85

AT&T Mobility, Cell Phone $55.89

Avera Occupational Medicine, Drug Test $96.55

Beadle County Treasurer, Veterans Service Officer $1,875.00

Brooks Oil Company, Fuel $174.60

Brosz Engineering, Inc., Survey $4,325.00

Central Electric, Electricity $331.08

Churchill, Manolis, Freeman, Court Appointed Attorney $1,063.20

Dakota Riggers & Tool Supply, Cable Slings $145.50

Dakota Two Way, Supplies $18.00

State of South Dakota, Blood Tests $250.00

Heidi J. Baldwin, CRP Training $550.00

Express Stop, Fuel $6.21

Greenline Products Inc., Supplies $598.50

Growmark Inc., Supplies $363.00

Huron Regional Medical Center, Prisoner Care $570.99

Lewis & Clark Behavorial, BMI Intake $178.00

Local Lumber Co., Supplies $116.58

Lyle Signs Inc., Supplies $990.20

Mid American Research Chemical, Supplies $401.90

McLeods Printing, Supplies $239.80

Northern Truck Equipment Corp., Supplies $55.22

Northwestern Energy, Electricity $2,968.09

Office Peeps, Supplies $980.41

Karla Olson, Return of Deposit $100.00

Physicians Claims Company, Ambulance Service Fee $463.48

Pennington County Jail, Prisoner Transport $49.64

Pomp’s Tire Service, Tires $2,680.54

Sanborn County Ambulance, Meals $18.01

Santel Communications, Phone/Internet $1,060.77

Audra Scheel, Travel Expense $49.21

South Dakota Association of Counselor Educators & Supervisors, Dues $15.00

South Dakota Secretary of State, Voter List $20.00

Travis Coulthard, Install Lights $659.42

Tech Solutions, Tech Support $3,040.00

United Laboratories, Supplies $725.36

Verizon Connect NWF Inc., Monitor Fees $56.85

WM Corporate Services Inc., Garbage $192.00

Williams Musical & Office Equipment, Copier Repair $75.00

Schmiedt Enterprises, Supplies $142.68

Yankton County Treasurer, Mental Illness Hearing $93.40

Yankton County Sheriff’s Office, Service Fee $50.00

Motion by Ohlrogge, seconded by P. Larson, to adjourn the meeting. All ayes. Motion carried. The next regularly scheduled meeting is scheduled for April 7, 2020.

Diane LarsonSanborn County Auditor

Jeff Ebersdorfer

Chairman of the Board, 

Sanborn County

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