Sanborn County Commissioners proceedings

MARCH 15, 2022

Sanborn County Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, at 9:00 a.m., with Chairman Jeff Ebersdorfer presiding. Present were Steve Larson, Paul Larson, Gary Blindauer, and Rod Weber. Auditor Kami Moody was also present. Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Weber, to approve the minutes from the March 1 meeting. Motion carried. 


Mark Snedeker was present to express some concerns about a culvert that the county placed on a roadway ditch that drains water off Mark’s property. 


Stacy Mendenhall, Highway Superintendent and Sheri Kogel, Highway Administrative Assistant, met with the board. 

Tabled Items from March 1, 2022:

9:35 a.m. – Gravel Crushing at County Pit

First Rate- $5.25 for three-fourths and one inch – bid includes pumping water;

Dixie Veurink Trucking – $3.63 for three-fourths inch – not willing to pump water to crush gravel;

Fisher Sand & Gravel –  $4.31 for three-fourths inch and $3.96 for one inch – bid does not include pumping water.

Motion by Weber, seconded by Blindauer, to accept First Rate bid at $5.25 per ton for the three-fourths  and one inch. All ayes; motion carried.

9:40 a.m. – Gravel Crushing at Pudge Pit

First Rate – $5.00 for three-fourths and one inch – bid includes pumping water;

Dixie Veurink Trucking – $3.63 for three-fourths inch – not willing to pump water to crush gravel;

Fisher Sand & Gravel – $4.09 for three-fourths inch and $3.75 for one inch – bid does not include pumping water.

Motion by Weber, seconded by Blindauer, to accept First Rate bid at $5.00 per ton for the three-fourths and one inch. All ayes; motion carried.

Motion by P. Larson, seconded by S. Larson, for Stacy Mendenhall to Proxy sign the invitation to bid for the state bid-letting for the big grant bridge on 24-0, due to delay of state paperwork. Motion carried. 

Motion by S. Larson, seconded by P. Larson, to accept the agreement with the State of South Dakota for the grant for Bridge Replacement of Structure 56-190-056 on County Road 9-0. Motion carried. 

Motion by Blindauer, seconded by P. Larson, to Delete Bridge 56-219-170 from NBI.

The Sanborn County Board of Commissioners is in agreement with SDDOT that the following structure(s) should be deleted from the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) for the following reason(s): 


56-219-170 1.4E & 4S ARTESIAN 

Structure has been replaced with CMP that no longer meet NBIS length requirements. The Commission is aware of the following stipulations once a structure is deleted from the NBI: 

1. Federal and State Bridge funds will not be available for structure replacement or rehabilitation and 

2. The structure will only be added to the Inventory following replacement, using County funds. Upon receipt of this resolution, the above structure(s) will be deleted from inventory. 

Vote of Commissioners: Yes 5, No 0

Dated at Woonsocket, S.D., this 15th day of March 2022.


/s/ Kami Moody

County Auditor 

/s/ Jeff Ebersdorfer


Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Weber, to Delete Bridge 56-220-096 from NBI.

The Sanborn County Board of Commissioners is in agreement with SDDOT that the following structure(s) should be deleted from the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) for the following reason(s): 


56-220-096 1.5E 3.4N ARTESIAN 

Structure has been closed and sold to adjacent landowner. The Commission is aware of the following stipulations once a structure is deleted from the NBI: 

1. Federal and State Bridge funds will not be available for structure replacement or rehabilitation and 

2. The structure will only be added to the Inventory following replacement, using County funds. Upon receipt of this resolution, the above structure(s) will be deleted from inventory. 

Vote of Commissioners: Yes 5, No 0

Dated at Woonsocket, S.D., this 15th day of March 2022. 


/s/ Kami Moody

County Auditor 

/s/ Jeff Ebersdorfer


Motion by P. Larson, seconded by Blindauer, to Delete Bridge 56-227-060 from NBI.

The Sanborn County Board of Commissioners is in agreement with SDDOT that the following structure(s) should be deleted from the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) for the following reason(s): 


56-227-060 2E 7N ARTESIAN 

Structure has been replaced with CMP that no longer meet NBIS length requirements. The Commission is aware of the following stipulations once a structure is deleted from the NBI: 

1. Federal and State Bridge funds will not be available for structure replacement or rehabilitation and 

2. The structure will only be added to the Inventory following replacement, using County funds. Upon receipt of this resolution, the above structure(s) will be deleted from inventory. 

Vote of Commissioners: Yes 5, No 0

Dated at Woonsocket, S.D., this 15th day of March 2022. 


/s/ Kami Moody

County Auditor 

/s/ Jeff Ebersdorfer


Motion by Blindauer, seconded by Weber, to Delete Bridge 56-070-077 from NBI.

The Sanborn County Board of Commissioners is in agreement with SDDOT that the following structure(s) should be deleted from the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) for the following reason(s): 


56-070-077 4E & 2.3 N WOONSOCKET 

Structure has been replaced with CMP that no longer meet NBIS length requirements. The Commission is aware of the following stipulations once a structure is deleted from the NBI: 

1. Federal and State Bridge funds will not be available for structure replacement or rehabilitation and 

2. The structure will only be added to the Inventory following replacement, using County funds. Upon receipt of this resolution, the above structure(s) will be deleted from inventory. 

Vote of Commissioners: Yes 5, No 0

Dated at Woonsocket, S.D., this 15th day of March 2022. 


/s/ Kami Moody

County Auditor 

/s/ Jeff Ebersdorfer



Motion by Blindauer, seconded by S. Larson, to have Midwest Pipe return and complete the sewer gas line pipe repair project that was started in January. Motion carried.  


Many concerned citizens were in attendance for the topic of Ducks Unlimited. The Commissioners reiterated to everyone that the County’s rights regarding any drainage, on County Ditch 35 in section 34 of Logan Township and County Ditch 34 in section 10 of Letcher Township, still exist and they will not modify or waive any of said rights. Ducks Unlimited will remove the plug that was placed on County Ditch 35 in Section 34, at their expense. Ducks Unlimited will present a new agreement to request to place an easement on their property, excluding any County Drainage Ditches. 


Greg came to give the Commissioners the yearly numbers for Sanborn County. Greg informed the board of the grants and funding that are available for county residents and options for more housing within the county. 


Motion by P. Larson, seconded by S. Larson, to grant the Emergency Management position a pay of $7,100 yearly salary. Motion carried. 


Drainage Board minutes from March 9 were reviewed, discussed, and approved.

Auditor Moody informed the board of the upcoming bid request posting for the 4-H building mowing for Summer of 2022.


Motion by Weber, seconded by Blindauer, to pay the following bills. Motion carried.

South Dakota Association of County Officials, Monthly Remittance $102.00 

State Treasurer, Monthly Remittance  $64,517.31 

First National Bank of Omaha, Insurance $2,056.15 

Uline Shipping Supply, Supplies $275.04 

A-OX Welding, Supplies $43.52 

Aramark, Supplies $124.57 

AT&T Mobility, Utilities $53.50 

Avera Queen of Peace, Employee Drug Test  $99.00 

Beadle County Sheriff, Jail Fees – D. Miller and J. McGuire and B. Anderson $980.00 

Brooks Oil Company, Supplies $4,990.52 

Broz Engineering, Bridge Design $30,150.00 

Butler Equipment Co., Repairs $1,071.22 

Central Electric Co-op, Utilities  $371.88 

Certified Languages, Interpreter $171.60 

City of Huron, Teletype Service $1,540.00 

City of Woonsocket, Utilities $97.12 

Davison County Sheriff, Jail Fees – A. Cass and L. Rivera Latimer  $1,805.00 

Express 2, Fuel $330.13 

Farmers Elevator County, Fuel/Supplies $21,462.17 

First National Bank of Omaha, Supplies $136.48 

Thomas Fridley, Supplies $27.37 

KO’S Pro Service, Repairs $729.76 

Local Lumber, Supplies $2.99 

Laurie Marcus RN, Blood Draws $160.00 

Mcleods Printing & Supply, Primary Election Box $147.60 

NorthWestern Energy, Utilities $3,483.42 

Office Peeps, Supplies $830.30 

Dayna Opsahl, Supplies $15.29 

Physicians Claims Company, Ambulance Service Fee February 2022  $1,376.75 

Quadient Finance USA INC, Postage $1,000.00 

Runnings Supply Company, Supplies $73.96 

Santel Communications, Utilities $1,344.66 

Sheriff’s Office, Deposit Error for Lien Payment $280.00 

Tech Solutions, Tech Support  $3,184.00 

Jim VanDenHemel, Supplies $51.47 

Waste Management, Utilities $206.21 

Xcel Energy, Utilities $367.50 

Towns, Townships, Schools, Cities, Monthly Remittance $198,045.06 

There being no further business before the board, motion by S. Larson, seconded by P. Larson, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The next scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 5, 2022.

Kami Moody

Sanborn County Auditor

Jeff Ebersdorfer

Chairman of the Board, 

Sanborn County                                                                                                                           

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