Town ‘n Kountry Kids Red Crew 4-H Club

During 4-H week, this group of Sanborn County 4-Hers sported their green T-shirts and told their fifth grade classmates about 4-H: Taylor Lindsey, Megan Linke, Mariah Jost, Kaylee White, Taryn Ziebart and Evan Ohlrogge.

The Town ‘n Kountry Kids Red Crew 4-H Club met on Oct. 23 in the Woonsocket Community Center.
The meeting was called to order by President Jonathan Linke. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Erica Howard and the 4-H pledge was led by Spens Schlicht.
Vice President Corrie Snedeker led roll call and 26 members answered the question, “What is your favorite hunting season?” We welcomed new members Acaiya and Isaiah Schultz, Devyn Brooks, Hannah Terkildsen and Taja Brooks.
The secretary’s report was read by Rex Schlicht and approved as presented. Elliott Ohlrogge gave the treasurer’s report, which was approved as presented.
Leader Paula Linke handed out and reviewed the planning binders that we will use for the year. The binders will help us record the information we need to complete our record book and plan and record the steps needed to apply for awards.
Reports were then given by Megan Linke, Skylar Gravatt, and Brooklyn Swenson on 4-H Week activities. Aaron Linke reported on the Grid Iron Barrel Event where the club set barrels and Riley Schmiedt and Jonathan told about their participation in the 4-H Western Junior Shows in Rapid City.  Also giving reports were Shaun Snedeker and Skylar on the club’s fun trip to the Corn Maze and by Megan on the fall tree decorating.
Jonathan read a thank you note received from Gen Nielson for the Fourth of July card we sent her.
Under old business, Jonathan talked about the next barrel setting planned for Oct. 27 and 28. We reviewed accomplishment of the club’s goals for last year.
Under new business, Jonathan reminded everyone of the Recognition Event on Nov. 18 at 1:30 p.m. in the 4-H Building. Next plans were made to celebrate American Education Week and what we could do for the teachers.
Club goals were set for the next year: 100 percent record book turn-in, Youth-in-Action participation and fundraising for the leaders’ 4-H Improvement Project. Members were reminded to register online for the new 4-H year.
Election of officers was held for the 2012-13 year.  The new officers are President Jonathan Linke, Vice President Corrie Snedeker, Secretary/Photographer Rex Schlicht, Treasurer Elliott Ohlrogge, Health/Safety Officer Riley Schmiedt and Recreation Officer Spens Schlicht.
Following the meeting, an illustrated talk about showing beef cattle called “Goin’ Showin’” was given by Jonathan.  Halloween cards were signed to send to our elderly friends.
Supper was served by the Snedeker family.

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